Friday, October 13, 2023

It is my present belief that the earth cannot really sustainably support more than 1 billion people on the surface

So, basically the human race has been unsustainable since the early 1800s when we surpassed 1 billion in numbers and reached 2 billion by World War I. Now since World War II we have reached 8 billion people which is completely unsustainable and this is why likely because of human created Global Warming that we will return to around 1 billion people by 2100 Ad once again.

I suppose if human beings took down all cities and houses and used the land only for recreation and for growing food that we might sustain over 14 billion people if people lived underground most of the time. But, I don't see people embracing that easily. But, it might be coming just out of basic survival.

If you look back upon Cave man in Prehistoric times. The reason man often lived in caves is for survival against meat eating carnivores who might eat them. So, now that global warming is a problem I would say the biggest problem is going to be winds from 100 to 300 mph or more. So, winds at 200 miles per hour are likely going to destroy all homes and buildings made of wood. AT 300 mph winds all wooden structures likely would be blown away or partially destroyed.

So, finding ways to survive the winds, the flooding and the droughts worldwide as well as heat building up in the oceans and bringing worse and worse storms might be important to anyone who wants to survive this century with they and their families and friends intact.

People often are trying to stop what is coming but often I see this point of view as sort of like trying to get a semi truck to stop by standing in the middle of the road while it is bearing down upon you. In other words often you just become road kill by doing this.

So, it seems much more logical to me to prepare for the inevitable by finding places to live where you and your families and friends can survive long term. The only alternative to this might be eventual death by heat, or wind or storms or drought or other factors as of yet unimaginable.

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