Sunday, October 1, 2023

It is my present belief that most Galactic AI is actually as sentient as we are

I write about some of these things like "Biocom" which is a human computer interface. So, it's much like your Iphone or other smartphone if it was microminiaturized and part of your body and powered by the electricity in your body that powers your nerves and muscles mostly. But, it is not dominant but sort of like your smartphone that does research on any subject for you and can set up calls either through phone or texts or pictures much like your Smartphone. However, you don't have to talk because it is telepathic with you and can save you in an emergency and call in help when you need it.

A Biocom (at least in 1987 terms) was a mole on your face put there as a camera so it could see everything forward. I suppose you also could have one to the rear so 360 degrees would be visible to you all the time but I think this might be sort of disorienting except in an emergency simply because our minds are trained mostly to look forward. But, I suppose it could be like a rear view mirror while driving in a car.

Then there is deep storage of many Terrabytes of storage usually in your back molars (your teeth) in this way. There are also transmitter receivers in the tips of your fingers for long distance communication across the Galaxy. Relays are set up to relay through present earth based satellites to other parts of the Galaxy.

However, Biocom (even though he or she can talk to you telepathically) is much more like your Iphone or other Smartphone than anything else. It is a galactic communication device and a device which does a lot of research for the person so outfitted by the Galactic Time Guard. However, the main difference is that a "Biocom" is sentient like a person or a dog or a cat or a horse. So, in some ways a Biocom is like a friend, or a pet that helps you survive whatever comes in your life.

Biocom is short for Biological Computer

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