Saturday, October 14, 2023

Our Soul Species originated in "Unknown" Matter which comprises 96% of the known universe. only 4% of the universe is matter

So, for us human beings (even though we all contain this species of basically immortal souls as our spirits) it's pretty hard while in human form to digest that we are so much more than we appear to be.

So, you might ask: "What are we doing here?"

We are retired Creator Souls from living billions of years already. So, mortality allows us to appreciate better still being alive in some form after all this time.

In some ways like elders of the human race read books and watch movies on TV this is a lot like what we are doing here on earth as human beings here now. Mortality makes life precious in a way it doesn't exist in the same way for an immortal soul that doesn't actually usually even live in time and space at all but in unknown matter that likely does not contain either time or space.

It appears that time and space only exists within galaxies to begin with.

When I was soul traveling out beyond our galaxy in my 20s I experienced the complete terror of being outside of time and space when I exited the Galaxy.

The way I describe this experience is like being in a helicopter on a dark night with clouds so you cannot see the moon or stars. Then someone pushes you out of that helicopter into the ocean naked with nothing else at all that you can have any reference point to.

I was terrified of this experience for several years until I met my first Tibetan Lama and realized they understood this better than Western Materialists do. At this point I wasn't afraid of this anymore. But, through the Tibetan lamas I learned to go between galaxies in my soul travel. 

However, now I just find it more useful to be with God in all time and space and wherever God is.

This makes more sense to me now after I discovered we are already everywhere to begin with.

The only way scientifically the above statement makes any sense at all is that if we are thoughts in the mind of God to begin with. So, we are always one with God simply because we are his or her or it's thoughts throughout the known and unknown universe.

By God's Grace 


Looking back at soul traveling outside of our galaxy in my 20s I have since realized that our Galaxy is a living organism of which we each are like red or white blood corpuscles to. Once I realized we are part of a gigantic organism flying through infinite space it was easier to cope with what I had discovered somehow.

It also allowed me to have compassion for all my fellow red or white corpuscles who  are presently in the form of human beings here on earth.

By God's Grace

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