Thursday, October 12, 2023

The beach nearest us has the highest tide I have ever seen today (and this is without a King Tide)

It's true it was very windy and cold and definitely fall weather. It was the first time I felt I needed a hooded jacket to keep my head warm this fall. About a week ago now it was 91 degrees with most people including us not having any air conditioning simply because it only usually gets up to 80 degrees even for around 1 to 3 days a year where I live on the Northern California coast near San Francisco.

So, what I think must be happening is I to know about 7 feet vertically of sand is gone from beaches near me which is very unusual this early. On top of this the water in the ocean itself is rising much faster than most people expected worldwide. So, the combination of everything that is happening weather wise and sea rising wise is taking away our beaches and likely will start to erode further inland during the next 6 months or so. Last winter and spring it took away about 10 to 20 feet of the ice plant from the cliffs above some of the beaches and threw rocks 100 to 200 pounds 100 yards onto Paved roads and through wooden fences where I live. Large Logs (and also whole trees washed down rivers also went through wooden fences and landed on paved roads too from the really large waves coming into shore from the Atmospheric Rivers. So, this winter it might do the same thing or worse too because of quickly rising sea levels and sand being washed away (7 vertical feet of it) so early in the Fall.

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