Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Big Box Stores cannot compete with online companies like Amazon

 Why? Because when you open a storefront you have to pay for that. Then you have to hire people to man that storefront sometimes 24 hours a day. When you add all that expense you cannot really compete with companies like Amazon who ONLY have warehouses and delivery trucks and that's all and people to man those warehouses and delivery trucks.

So, companies like amazon by eliminating the expense of storefronts and personnel to man those storefronts are putting big box stores out of business. Then mass theft from storefronts is the Coup de Grace or "death blow" to finalize the closing of storefronts all over the U.S.

This is likely the future where there will not be many stores left except for Mom and Pop stores anywhere in the U.S.

However, this will be a long process and might take 50 years or more to keep going in this direction. Also, there might be many more changes to the business models in regard to companies like Amazon and Google and others like Anti-Trust Trust busters like happened during the 20th Century too to end big monopolies. So, we really don't know exactly how this is going to go in the long run regarding all this.

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