Monday, October 2, 2023

We all deal with multiple realities to a greater or lesser degree if we live on earth at any age

When I was growing up in the 1950s many people didn't watch TV yet, (partly because we didn't even get a TV until 1954 when I was 6 years old. And the only reason my parents bought a 17 inch black and white TV then was that I was spending too much time next door watching TV watching Superman and likely whatever cowboy series was on then.  For example, the Adventures of Jim Bowie 1956 to 1958. or Maverick from 1957 to 1962 on TV also. or Have Gun Will Travel from 1957 onward to whenever.

But, I think the point I'm making here is that there are many realities we all deal with in life, especially if we have children or grandchildren that we are caring for in all sorts of ways.

Also, my wife and I have a dog we call Blue who loves to play doggie soccer with me (or anyone) out on our deck in the backyard. Our housekeeper found that one section of our deck is enclosed enough to where we don't lose the plastic rubber geodesic balls about 5 or 6 inches in diameter or others. Out dog will want to play this 24 hours a day if we let her. She will play doggie soccer until she drops because he is a smart dog and for her it is like hunting or playing chess with us. Since she is a herding breed, a Corgi, she needs something to do with her extreme level of intelligence like all herding dogs of all breeds.

The point is we all deal with multiple realities from our pets, our children, our grandchildren, world travel, different languages, different customs etc.

However, there are many very provincial people who are very simple and never get married or travel more than 10 to 25 miles from where they are born. This is much more common though in 3rd world nations than here in the U.S. where people tend to have a lot more money and be much better educated.

One of many different realities that I have had to deal with is parents who believed in UFOS and thought that they came to bring higher technologies so less people on earth would have to die horrific deaths. And if I think this way I can say that less people die at 30 to 40 years of age than when I was growing up in the 1950s by far. IN fact, people in their 40s often looked like people today in their 60s and 70s, for example and didn't have any teeth left at all by 40 and everyone like that either gummed their food or bought plates of false teeth to wear. But, now most people have implants who have lost all their teeth for one reason or another.

So, since I was trained as a child to accept aliens from other times or worlds when I actually had experiences like this I was much better prepared than most people are. Most people just lose it completely sort of like they feel they are crazy because it doesn't fit into their version of reality. However, Space aliens or beings from our future like I have met fit into my world view so I survived successfully these experiences.

So, one of the realities that more and more people are going to have to get used to is experiences with Earth based time travelers like I met and beings from other planets and possible other times as well as other planets and things like this.

Simply because there has been no time since earth existed that beings didn't come here from other planets.

So, for example, before ANY life was on earth aliens from other worlds were visiting here.

For many people this isn't something that they can easily accept. But, when you meet one you will have no choice to accept this so you better get ready because they are everywhere. And eventually you might even realize which ones they are that are pretending to be modern day human beings.

But, intuitives are much better at seeing who they are than the average person, This is also true.

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