Friday, October 6, 2023

Why the Galaxy started "The Alien War" as a fake wartime situation to prevent human extinction

They realized from histories of other planets civilizations self destructing after they attained nuclear weapons. 

War among nations or religions is a way for civilizations and religions to survive. It's awful and horrific but it is a "Survival of the fittest" kind of survival strategy of the human race always.

Then came nuclear weapons and chemical weapons and biological weapons which ended big wars which also caused human populations to soar to unsustainable levels worldwide. Then on top of this the technology of doctors became better to the point where people didn't have to believe in God in order to survive better. So, this is one of the reasons so many young people don't believe in anything religious. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing people could debate Forever and they do.

But, the point of this article is that nuclear weapons ended larger wars that kill millions and millions of people both soldiers and civilians worldwide which has created global warming by how many people survived without these wars.

So, "The Alien War" is a way to prevent human extinction. I tend to believe that Covid and other coming plagues and such are a part of trying to reduce equitably human populations here on earth through "Acts of God" where only really God could be blamed for all the dying.

So, the Galactic Government came up with a plan to cause problems on earth in a controlled way through mercenaries working for the Galactic Government but they are tightly controlled sort of like United Nations Peacekeepers even though these mercenaries are far less civilized than that.

So, the Goal of the Galaxy is to prevent human extinction this century and in the coming centuries.

Will They Succeed?

They likely will simply because the Galaxy also controls Time Travel so they can fix the problems that they create along the way to make it all work. The problem is that this "Alien War" is very delicate in it's nature and unless someone or many someones are watching everything very carefully the whole thing could easily backfire at each and every point.

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