Sunday, January 14, 2024

Writing of your experiences in Life

I have found a lot of solace in writing down experiences in my life. Each time I write about an experience I know myself better. It's sort of like when you write you are one person but often when you read what you have written it is days, weeks, months or years later and by then you are another person.

The way I look at it I have been (at core) the same person (sort of an intelligent and kind person if I'm allowed to be that person) and it's sort of like layers of armor that I have added since I was 10 years old. But, that kindly and helpful 10 year old is still in there someplace.

I'm very grateful to have the great parents that I had because they gave me really good values and protected me from many things in life "Like in some ways my father protected me from getting drafted" when I was 18.

I was at a private school in Santa Fe, New Mexico living in a dorm room and he phoned me and said I needed to go on my birthday to the post office where there is a card I needed to fill out for the draft board. He told me what to write. They had a blank that said something like "Is there anything about your health that we need to know about?" He said that I needed to tell them about the seizures I had from ages 10 to 15 because I would be deferred from the draft because of this. I thought this was strange because I was 18 but my father had never steered me wrong. He was right and my doctor reported treating me from around age 12 to 15 for this night time condition of seizures some time.

However, it wasn't until my son was at a university in California studying to be a nurse that he told me that what I had was called "Childhood Epilepsy" and that it was caused by a concussion and that when you get to 15 or so your cranium grows and the seizures often stop. He said this is the only type of "epilepsy" that you can "Grow" out of. 

My Dad was right. I didn't get drafted and I got what was then called a 4F classification which basically means that you won't get drafted unless the country's mainland is being attacked. Then everyone has to go now likely most all boys and girls between about age 18 and 26 years old at this point. So, hopefully that never happens in the future.

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