Thursday, April 11, 2024

I think people who aren't very well educated and basically lack critical thinking skills are the most threatened by the way the world is now

 I may not like all the changes to the world and find it to be a very strange place compared to when I grew up in the 1950s. However, I have more of an independent point of view that isn't either entirely Democratic or Republican. Like Many young people in college I found myself moving to a more Liberal place in my early 20s. However, I was raised a Conservative Republican and I saw the good and bad things this created. However, after college especially I also saw at times how unrealistic a Liberal Democratic point of view could be too.

So, the problem of being a Conservative Republican I would say is being such a materialist that you don't mind if millions of people starve to death. and the main problem of being a Liberal Democrat is often you aren't practical in a variety of ways.

However, the further right and the further left you go often you wind up with a similar kind of craziness that demonstrates a high level of PTSD and dysfunction.

What people need to realize is that  many or most people are suffering from some level of PTSD. When I just heard a minister say on CNN: "If you are a Democrat and a Baby Killer you need to leave this church".

This level of talk is going to get people killed. So, maybe being a member of a church like this is somewhat suicidal in the end.

However, I have heard equally crazy things from Liberals and Liberals were so convinced they were right that they were bombing banks and kidnapping Patty Hearst too. Theodore Kaczynski also comes to mind where he lived in a little cabin off the grid and sent letter bombs to kill people he didn't like until he was eventually capture. This went on for years because they couldn't find who was killing and maiming people through letter bombs custom made.

So, this is how things swing where once we were afraid of Liberals bombing banks and other places and Kidnapping Patty Hearst and making her rob banks with them and now we have Conservative Christians? getting AR-15s and wasting dozens of people before they kill themselves or are killed by police or armed bystanders.

The point I'm making here is that some people are sort of crazy for whatever the reason on the left or the right and they sometimes kill or maim people.

It isn't right but if you observe the last 50 years both Liberals and Conservatives at different times have gone over the edge into murder and mayhem. It's just in this cycle is is Trump who is the Nazi like Hitler and helping murder people around the world starting in Ukraine and possibly Israel too.

We live in a world that hasn't been this crazy really since the end of World War II with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And then we have someone as Crazy as Hitler in Putin as well who also might be dying but doesn't believe in God so he wants some legacy to remain after he is dead sort of like Peter the Great or Ivan the Terrible regarding the Russian Empire? So, he doesn't care how many Russians he kills (or Ukrainians) to create his Terrible Legacy of Conquest.

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