Saturday, May 18, 2024

I find learning to program computers in different languages very calming

How do I mean this? When crises erupt in all our lives often it is helpful to stay calm and rational rather than to freak out. I tend to do well at this because I was trained to be very methodical as an electrician trained by my father starting around 10 or 12 and being paid by him for this after 12 weekends and summers between 1960 and 1965 when I was a junior in High School. The next year I went to a private school as a senior in High School in Santa Fe, New Mexico so I obviously couldn't work for him for money during this time. Later when I was around 21 years old and was taking a break from college and had broken up with a serious girlfriend that I had intended to marry I worked for another 8 months for a company my father worked for when he decided not to be an Electrical Contractor anymore. Then he moved to San Diego as he could make much more money as a Union journeyman Electrician and retired there in 1980 to 2 1/2 acres of land out on Yucca Mesa above the city of Yucca Valley at around 3500 feet in elevation then. We had worked on this house on his 2 1/2 acres since 1968 weekends until he retired here with my mother in 1980 when he retired as an electrician.

However, back to programming computers. I find it comforting to know how to program in many different languages like Fortran, Cobol, Basic and HTML. And I'm thinking seriously about learning Python which is likely the best AI computer programming language to learn if you are interested in doing that now too. I would recommend online Khan Academy because it's free and they are building a python Course there at this time but I would also recommend buying any books or other information you might need to learn more about programming, especially if you haven't learned any other computer languages yet.

Because otherwise it would be a lot like learning English never having spoken any other language before.

If this is your first language I might recommend learning HTML first because it is the basis on a user level of everything you see on the Internet. So, learning this both gives you an idea of what a computer language does but also teaching you many many other things too especially if you want to be a blogger like myself. I taught myself HTML when Windows 95  was a thing because with that operating system it was easy to make a copy of a yahoo introductory page and then play with it on my computer to see what all the changes I made to the page did. So, I never took a course in HTML I just played with it to better understand it.

Then next, I started my first website where I had to program it in HTML all the time starting in 1999 to 2007 which was at Then I got this website you are reading at here in 2007 or around there in the fall of 2007 I believe. Here there is an auto encoder that does most all the programming here so I only program now in HTML when I make Links pages so you can see what most people are reading at this site once a month. However, at the top of this page is also an automatic links page created by my older daughter who is a digital video editor by trade.

The point is the same methodical thinking that kept me alive and not electrocuted or dead being an electrician from 1958 until 1969 also is useful in staying calm in life and I find that calming influence present whenever I'm programming or flow charting a new program I'm writing for something.

Also, learning to flow chart also can help people make logical useful decisions in their lives also beyond just flow charting for creating a computer program to make it more efficient and effective. By Calmly flow charting your life often you can make more sense of it so you don't make really bad decisions that might end your life or maim you in some way.

There was a saying that is still applicable today regarding programming which was "Garbage in Garbage out".

In other words if you don't properly design a computer program it is garbage and nothing will come out of it but garbage too.

So, this is something to think about in all aspects of life so you can survive well and live a long time if you want to here on earth.


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