Wednesday, May 15, 2024

It is possible that Francis Bacon of England became the Comte De Saint Germain in France

This is what I was taught about all this. Also, I was taught that Francis Bacon was one of two illegitimate sons Queen Elizabeth I had and unfortunately her older? Son wanted to become King of England and she had him beheaded and Francis Bacon being wiser kept his head even though he likely wrote all the Shakespearean Plays under the pseudonym William Shakespeare.

IF you study both Francis Bacon's life and the life of the Comte De Saint Germain in France you see two men (or the same man) recognized in Both countries as Royalty with Royal Bearing. And he was accepted as Francis Bacon in Court in England as a younger man and accepted in Court in France later in Life and knew well King Louis the XVI and Marie Antoinette his wife while they were still alive.

Because we all don't live back then there is no real way to prove one way or another regarding any of this. However, it's also true we can't prove anything about Jesus in a more extreme way because that was over 2000 years ago that he was born in Bethlehem. So, it is more about belief at this point than anything else.

We all get to believe what we believe in the beginning, the Middle and the End.

Because what is reality for people is often what they believe wherever you are on earth.

And if you are a traveler forgetting this it can be very dangerous traveling the world not understanding this truth about all mankind.

"When in Rome do as the Romans do".

By God's Grace

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