Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Often when I think I might die many times in my life I will ask my angels if I'm dying.

They usually say: "This is temporary you aren't dying."

So, I have no need to panic and die like most do in these situations.

One must be very brave to face ill health as one ages

Panic always kills most people when they are afraid of death

But, if you are not afraid of death then death might have no meaning for you

I think it is a lot like going to sleep and waking up in the morning like a new person

So many times I have cried myself to sleep at night and then God has given me new life in the morning

It seems the people who cannot Die to God and Angels often physically die before their time.

Why is this?

Hope springs eternal when we die Daily

(in the heart of God)

By God's Grace

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