Sunday, May 19, 2024

The reason most knowledge should be on paper and not magnetic media only

 If you have studied the Carrington Effect which had aurora borealis happening as far south as Cuba for over a week in 1859 then you know the potential danger of Solar Storms in our future. What I'm writing about here is the real and present danger of ONLY having knowledge on magnetic media which WILL be corrupted or destroyed in one way or another by a significant Solar Storm similar to the Carrington Event in 1859.

The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking on 1–2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10.
People also ask
Did a solar flare cause a mass extinction?
large solar cosmic ray events were a primary cause of the Pleistocene megafaunal extinction. produced radiation levels at the Earth's surface fatal for unprotected mammalian species.
end quotes.
So, the most important thing here is to realize that Solar Storms that could and would wipe out all magnetic Media if those parts of the world were facing the sun when it hit likely down to around 10 feet underground. 
So, basically every laptop and computer with magnetic media on earth above around 10 feet under the ground would be either wiped clean (the memory) or so corrupted it couldn't function anymore.
So, it wouldn't matter if it was a plane or mainframe computer or smartphone that had magnetic memory it all wouldn't work anymore (IF) it was facing the sun (that country) when the Solar Storm of sufficient magnitude hit earth.
So, you can see why having as much knowledge as possible on paper as in books or on CDs or DVDs or on anything other than magnetic media would be important so societies didn't just collapse under the weight of no computers working properly anymore no matter what they were if they were based in magnetic memory which the majority of Computers and devices now are on earth.

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