Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Vet likely wouldn't have been attacked if he had not gone off the trail to begin with

When you are in Grizzly country like Yellowstone or Teton National Park or Glacier national Park you need to stay on the trails especially this time of year when the Grizzly cubs are young like this. Even though as they get older the cubs just might playfully attack you in a play fight in which you die too, staying on the trails and not going cross country in Grizzly Bear Country is important.

I have camped in Teton national park and rangers told us to break camp in the 1980s when my youngest then was really little still (like 2 or 3 years old) so I sent my wife back to the Window Van we were traveling in with our children who were traveling with us. My stepson was staying at an Audubon camp near Dubois, Wyoming while the rest of the family was camping in the Tetons. That day my 15 year old son and I broke camp while sending the women and girls to the Window Van. Though I was lucky not to come upon an adult Grizzly that day by accident I did see a teenage Moose which was kind of scary because of how big they are. I'm 6 feet 5 inches tall and the top of my head barely reached the moose's shoulder. I felt pretty naked out there without any weapon or protection but I just watched the teenage moose walk by me within a foot or two. He almost stepped on one of my feet he was walking so close to us. My son and I sort of gave each other a look which was: "Boy! Was that Weird or what?"

When I finally saw a Grizzly bear (I had seen black bears in Yosemite and in the Mt. Shasta Area before but never a Grizzly up close and personal it was in Yellowstone National Park. I walked as close as the rangers allowed and also watched it eating flowers sort of like a flower child out of the 1960s which was interesting in itself. However, this thing was really really huge and I was sort of glad not to get any closer than I was allowed to by the rangers. There were about 20 people and they had to arrest one man who got too close mainly because they don't want the grizzlies so acclimatized to people that bad things happen. They need to keep people separate from the Grizzlies for both their sakes.

Grizzlies are sort of like Big Wild Dogs and you must not underestimate what they are capable of if you upset them or startle them in any way. They are very territorial and if they see you as competition for food they have no trouble in killing people or maiming them.

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