Sunday, May 19, 2024

The world is changing:

in unexpected ways


imagine the changes I have seen in the last 76 years not only in the U.S. but throughout the world wherever I have traveled

I can remember traveling for example, without air conditioning in my father's car from Santa Fe, New Mexico to California in 110 degree heat. I was given often a wet washrag to put on my face so I could stick my face out the window so I wouldn't pass out. At least my father did this for me other kids likely weren't as lucky as I was in having parents that at least tried to keep me alive and like they cared about me growing up.

In my childhood I traveled throughout the western United States and saw California, Oregon, Washington (where I was born) and Idaho (where my grandfather had a mining claim of several thousand acres. We traveled as far as Wyoming and Montana to Yellowstone and the Tetons then and to the Grand Canyon and the Painted Desert with petrified wood then too all before 1963 when I was 15. So, I got to see the western states while they were still nice and not built up like now.

You could many places cup your hand or just lean down and drink straight from a river or stream then too without worrying about getting sick with giardia or worse too. I still often put reverse osmosis tippet direct into my hands and use my hand like a cup like I was taught in the 1950s to drink from my cupped hand from streams and brooks that were safe enough to drink from then. However, I don't do this anywhere anymore unless it is snow melt above 7000 feet where the snow ISN'T pink or yellow or brown. So, even with snow one has to be very careful now. Yellow or brown snow might be obvious to all of you but pink snow is a type of algae that can be poisonous that grows on snow in the spring and summer so if you see it don't drink water from that snow at least.

So, the world keeps changing and things you thought would never change change in ways you never could have predicted in a million years. 

So, being adaptable maybe is the most important quality to have if you want to live to old age anywhere on earth because the changes look like they are just going to keep on coming. So, watch out for weather before it destroys you or your home or place of business so you and your family can survive whatever happens.

by God's Grace

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