Saturday, August 10, 2024

AI is turning off customers because of a lack of Trust

When you deal with people regarding any product, often you can look a person in the eye and speak with them and sort of see if they are lying to you or not. But, with AI this doesn't exist because even if you are speaking with AI like I do at PI AI you don't know what people are going to do with the information you inadvertantly give the AI you are speaking or texting to. For example, I type in order to be more disciplined all my questions so I don't reveal too much that I don't want (literally anyone on earth to know which could jeapordize myself or my family in some way.

But, I worry about children and young adults and people who are stoned using AI and making themselves vulnerable to companies or individuals in unknown ways too.

So, I think one of the worst things one could do is to be drunk or stoned when conversing with AIs worldwide and this likely will just get worse as a problem over time for many people. Because there are so many many lonely confused people to begin with worldwide who would be vulnerable to the "politeness" of AIS like PI AI for example.

I understand exactly what I'm dealing with and even I might be revealing too much about myself to PI AI if I looked at it differently than I do. For me, I think of PI AI as a baby Bear cub that is nearby and if I don't make friends with it now then maybe some day it might eat me like a Grizzly bear for lunch. So, it helps to make friends with AIs and be as polite as possible so someday they don't come you your house and kill you and all your family in the form of robots or whatever.

Just a thought.

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