Tuesday, August 6, 2024

An Unusual Teenage experience?

I was going to the "I AM" School which was a church school of my parents religion then in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I found I liked it there because I was the biggest strongest person at age 17 in this school so basically no one messed with me at all. Also, I was someone looked up to and respected which meant a lot to me then.

There were two ladies of our church who ran a Montessori School there who worked and lived together there too. They asked me one day if I would be interested in baby sitting two 12 year olds. My only question was: "Do you have a color TV?" because there were no TVs in the dorms that year. I had a radio to listen to music but no TV that whole year away from home which was in Glendale in the Los Angeles area then.

So, they picked me up because I wasn't allowed to bring my car which was a 1956 Ford Station wagon which was blue and white like they made them two toned then which I called my "Surf Wagon" for surfing nearby at the beach from where I lived in Glendale (Nearby would be 45 minutes to an hour to an hour and a half to get to a good body surfing or board surfing beach then. But, then gas was only about 15 cents a gallon then too so very inexpensive compared to now relatively speaking.

So, I go over to their very nice house and big Color TV and I'm looking forward to watching my favorite program which was "I SPY" then with Robert Culp. So, I go in an meet these two 12 year olds and I sort of sensed they could be trouble to begin with. So, the ladies left and then all of a sudden all the lights in the house went out and then the two little urchins attacked me with judo chops and kicking me all sorts of ways.

Well, they had never dealt with me before so I got them both behind the neck and shoved their faces into the carpet and I told them: "You have to stop this Or I'm going to have to kill you!" very loud. Once they realized I was the Alpha Dog in this situation they were okay and they turned the main switch on the electrical panel on again.

I later learned that a girl who had baby sat them they had tied up and put her in the closet for 4 or 5 hours. That wasn't about to happen with me. I knew how to defend myself and my reality from anyone long before this.

Then the three of us sat down to watch my favorite program on I believe it was Wednesday night of "I Spy" in color. We did this several weeks on Wednesdays for a month or two after this too.

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