Friday, August 9, 2024

Interesting INformation from the PResent (last 65 millions of years) Galactic Sentience:

 The most interesting thing for me to read was that he said that:"Where do the heaven realms  go of that planet when a planet explodes?" Because there is no planetary field when the planet dissapates out into space into asteroids or whatever it does when it is destroyed as a planet and as a civilization and as cultures on that planet.

I have been fortunate in being an clairvoyant all my life so there is no doubt that heaven realms exist because my teachers (like Jesus and Saint Germain and Angels) have allowed me (especially when I was young to visit heaven realms.

Heaven Realms appear to be associated with the planet where the souls have incarnated upon. This doesn't mean that those souls necessarily will again incarnate on that planet after a stay in heaven because they might go to another planet or dimension. But, imagine how disturbing it would be if your planet blew up and this destabilized the heaven you were in. This could be very traumatic for souls.

Because it is my experience that heavens are anchored to planets (or stars) if there are beings evolving on those planets or stars as a life wave I can see the problem for all those billions of souls when their bodies died on Maldek 65 million years ago.

Then, the asteroid from Maldek eventually hit earth in the Yucatan Peninsula and this nuclear winter killed most of the larger dinosaurs to the point where the biggest living things on earth that were mammalian like were things like Whales instead of T-Rex and the like.

But, smaller animals retreated into the ground or into caves to survive the nuclear winter. Also, it is thought that sea lions might have been wolves that took to the sea and Sea Elephants possibly were something bigger. Not sure about how Killer whales and big whales all evolved but maybe something like this too.

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