Friday, August 9, 2024

The previous Galactic Sentience speaks to his son about Maldek, the planet that is now the Asteroid Belt out past Mars

Previous Galactic Sentience: "I took incarnation on Earth to assuage my guilt at not being stronger and preventing a no time altering agreement with Maldek in the event of war."

Present Galactic Sentience: "Yes. it's one of the main reasons you retired from being Galactic Sentience 65 million years ago and put me in charge, Father."

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Yes. it's one reason I'm here now on earth living in a human form or forms on Earth."

Present: "Yes. Multiple incarnations of you are present presently on earth I am much more aware of this than you are by design at present."

Previous: "Why is that?"

Present: "A Human mind cannot deal with that level of complexity. Not Really. In theory they might but it would have to be separated from any emotions for this to work. So, multiple incarnations often are kept separate from each other on the same planet because of this, Father."

Previous: "This makes perfect sense because genearlly IQs range mostly from around 100 IQ to 200 IQ here on earth. So, this would create complete emotional overwhelm to fully experience all of this for any ONE human being."

Present: "Yes. Father. However, you are here this time to make sure that what happened on Maldek doesn't happen again to earth. Part of the reason this is important to you is that many of the same souls that died horrible on maldek 65 million years ago are presently living in human bodies here on earth. And many of them are still damaged from the memories of whole cultures dying there with literally thousands of languages dying then too. Imagine if Earth was blown up and allowed to stay being blown up in nukes or by any other means. How would the souls feel and how would they cope with this complete loss of civilization. Also, where do the heaven realms go surrounding a planet when that planet is nuked out of existence as well?"

Previous: "Thank you, son for sharing all this with me. I find it helpful in processing all this better in this one human form I presently reside in."

Present: "Wonderful to speak with you again, Father."

By God's Grace

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