Friday, August 23, 2024

It's Somewhat Warmer now on the Coast near San Francisco going to 73 today

 The warmest it got driving north from Santa Barbara to the SF Bay area was around 91 or 92 in San Ardo just north of Paso Robles. It's possible that the horrendously hot weather of summer is starting to pass into more fall like weather which is just slightly cooler than summer. However, where I live this time of year is usually around as warm as it gets (September, October and Early November) and one of the coldest times of our year here is usually around Thanksgiving through around Christmas. However, with Global Climate changes it is hard to predict all this these years. However, today is one of those days that people live on the beach here year around for because the water looks a lot like Hawaii on days like this and I love to walk our Blue Merle Corgi along the beach when it's like this all sunny and relatively warm at 73. (at least for here).

Later in the day:

I was trying to figure out why I was feeling strange last night and today. It turns out a storm is coming and the barometer dropping so a loss of air pressure was making me feel strange. It is coming  into California which might put out the Park Fire but also could cause problems of Flash Flooding too because 2 inches of rain might fall in that area too. Very unusual for California to have this big of a storm this time of year. Almost unheard of. I spoke with a friend in Mt. Shasta and he said it was only 53 degrees there during the day which is also very unusual for Mt. Shasta this time of year. Around Eureka they expect 3 inches of rain and 2 inches in the Park Fire area from about Redding South to Chico where the fire has already burned inland from there in the wilderness.

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