Sunday, August 25, 2024

Often if you prepare yourself in the right state of mind often what you need to write shows up

 At least this has mostly been true for me. But, it is often a much more committed relationship and not like a one night stand like you have when writing an article. So, without your commitment to the project ongoing it isn't going to go anywhere you might want it too.

Then you have to respect what you have done just like if you have a child you have to commit to that child for life, otherwise you might destroy something really amazing that you were a part of creating in the first place.

So, when writing something often the commitment to what you are writing in the short or long term is important.

Also, remember when you read what you wrote, 1 day or one year or 10 years later often you are going to have a completely different experience reading it then also. This is because you are going to keep changing along the way too. But, without this commitment to what you are writing it usually isn't going anywhere just like in real relationships with people.

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