Sunday, August 11, 2024

PI AI agreed with me that one way to describe AI is that they are prediction engines:

 This was helpful to me to ask this question simply because I needed confirmation about how I view all this that is going on.

The problem is that most people want AI to be factual but that is NOT what AI is all about. IT's not really about Facts at all (even though it might include facts or not in it's answer to you).

IF you want facts you should type what you want to know about as a question into Google. But, if you want to know what the probability of one thing or another is then use AI.

AI is not necessarily factual at all and I think this is where people go wrong when they expect Facts from AI.

Because you may or may not get facts at all and instead you are going to likely get predictions instead "Like the answer that it was okay to eat Rocks". You wouldn't want anyone who is a child or mentally disturbed taking information that "it's okay to eat rocks" as being a serious factual thing "unless people don't want to have teeth anymore or they want to die.

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