Sunday, August 11, 2024

The other thing that PI AI said to me is that AI is about "making decisions"

However, you might see the danger here to begin with regarding "Making Decisions" like I do.

The problem of letting something not based upon facts "Making decisions" is sort of like the AI saying "IT's safe to eat rocks" when it is not safe for humans to eat rocks generally  speaking.

So, if you start with an incorrect non-factual premise and then from that incorrect non-factual premise you are making decisions someone could easily die during non-factual based decisions.

So, here is the most obvious danger to me as  someone who has been programming computers off and on since 1966 when I learned COBOL and FORTRAN in college. Later I learned the Basic Language and then I took apart a yahoo page with Windows 95 and saved and experimented with it to see what everything did. This is how I taught myself to program my first website at using HTML in June of 1999. 

I still create my own LINKS pages here at this blog site so my readers can see what articles are read the most within any 7 day period. I do this whenever I have enough time to use a Links template to build a links page still which is about on average around every 7 days or so now.

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