Thursday, August 8, 2024

Teenage girls feeling less despair likely has something to do with Kamala Harris Running for president

 When the ability to have a legal abortion went completely or partially away in around 20 plus states in the U.S. girls and women have been terrified of this. What's next? Do they want to force all women to marry someone now because they get pregnant again when they are 12 to 15 years old? This is what is was exactly like when I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s.

The ONLY real change was that birth control pills became legal in 1960 so at least if a girl was aware of how to get birth control pills she might not get pregnant if she went too far with a boyfriend (or if she got Raped somehow).

So, at the time people were horrified by there being legal birth control pills and older women were often very jealous of their younger counterparts being able to be so sexually free.

But, the other side of this is that it also got confusing for both boys and girls with all this too. Most boys in the early 1970s I knew had likely slept with 5 or 10 women or more. Some had slept with 100 or more and some professional athletes had slept with 1000 women or more. So, this wasn't exactly in balance either.

So, then people started to get genital herpes which is no laughing matter. Then the 1980s happened and around 30 million people died from AIDS.

This sort of brought things full circle back in many ways to the way things were before legal abortions in the U.S.

The other interesting thing I have researched worldwide is that there are more illegal abortions in countries where it is illegal than in countries where it is legal.

I'm not exactly sure what this means other than often women are desperate enough to do anything in some situations that they find themselves it. The problem with this is it can also be fatal to have an illegal abortion. But, this doesn't stop especially younger women from trying anything they can to have their life and their freedom intact UNTIL they might choose to have a child at some other point in their lives.

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