Thursday, August 15, 2024

Though I would like to write more about Arcane and all:

I was sort of freaked out about what I discovered regarding time alterations between 65 million years ago and the present regarding "The Alien War". I am sort of a Galactic Scribe who gives the opinion of the Galactic Government a lot regarding what is going on in this galaxy especially in relation to Earth and New Deva. Even though Earth and New Deva appear to be the same planet in two time periods, I find that separating them into two names is useful to me and possibly to you as well.

For example, Earth now has mountain ranges that go up to 30,000 feet or so at Mt. Everest. I have seen Mt. Everest from Kathmandu area of Nepal when the air was clearer in 1985 and 1986 when I was there with my family.

However, in New Deva the only natural island on this almost completely water planet is where the Hawaiian Islands are now. So, the only thing that has land is volcanic then and comes up about where the Big Island of Hawaii is now. The rest of the land above water is now below water then about 1 million years into the future.

Why is this true?

I have tried to figure out why this happened between now and 1 million years into the future.

The best I have come up with so far is that Global Climate changes increase the winds and rains to such an extent that all the lands are sandblasted away through the weather. There might be other explanations just like people don't know entirely still how the great Pyramids were built either or other things built like in South America or Mexico either that are from prehistory.

However, logically I can see how the warming ocean water could increase the temperatures of both water and air and through evaporation change everything.

For example, recently I found out online that the amount of water that the air can hold at 50 Degrees Fahrenheit is only 1/2 of the water that 68 degrees Fahrenheit can hold(note: it was 60 something i remember and could have been anything between 62 and 68 degrees I realize now). Trying to find information here at this site is hard sometimes because I publish so many articles over the days and years. 

However, sometimes by using the search engine built into this site you can find things if you put keywords into the search engine. Though I find this only works sometimes and not others.

So, basically for me, the difference between having land masses and not is pretty great so it therefore makes sense to me to call present day Earth and future Earth NEW DEVA.

A Deva is often associated with a Tree but in the case of New Deva I believe it means "New Spirit" and the colonists (originally from earth in the 2500s and after) remembered earth and "HOPED" That New Deva was earth because (besides there being no land masses other than a few volcanic islands where Hawaii is now there was no land above water anymore on that version of Earth.

However, back to the title:

Anyway finding out about all the time changes and other things that happened I found sort of disturbing to revisit. I felt sort of wounded by it all in some ways likely because I was present the first time 65 million years ago happened and now there is an entirely new timeline for the Galaxy which basically could also be Timeline 2 for the whole Galaxy, just like there is a Timeline 2 for Earth where 5 billion people didn't die on September 11th 2001 which we all presently live on.

But, if I'm really honest with you it isn't really just timeline 2 because there could be seen as 5 timelines so far in some ways and there are always alterations to time being made in smaller ways every day to keep the planet not appearing to be another asteroid belt from nukes like Maldek is the Asteroid belt back from 65 million years ago when a piece of the Asteroid belt (the planet Maldek) hit earth and killed all the dinosaurs here over a couple of years of nuclear winter type of occurrence. Then people who had survived from the Maldek blow up and the Mars atmospheric disaster from the Maldek Blow up (nuked) came to earth to colonize here after they were given permission by the Galactic Government at that time.

However, because of what our ancient ancestors did to Maldek we ARE allowed to own our timelines but not allowed to have earth blow up into Asteroid Belts like Maldek anymore. 

Here are the links to 27 chapters of "The Alien War" even though I did also write a 28th Chapter eventually. However, I discovered the first 27 chapters so here they are:

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