Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What it feels like to Soul Travel into the Sun

 Around 1970 I was a newbie to Soul Travel. At this point I mostly had gone up on my roof and sat there bi-locating because I liked to look at the stars at night, especially the whole Milky way which was more visible most places on earth then because the world wasn't as developed as it is now. For example, I lived in Rancho Bernardo when I first learned to soul travel after having been given permission by Archangel Gabriel to do this after I had prayed since I was 2 to 5 years old to Soul Travel with the angels when they had appeared to me at age 2 and had healed me from whooping cough so I wouldn't die then.

So, I first went to Venus because the moon didn't attract me and since I knew that I was in a soul mind body that I wouldn't burn up in the 600 to 800 degree temperatures on Venus. I felt attracted to this planet. It's possible I once lived there as a humanoid millions of years in the past when it had an atmosphere like earth. Sometimes I wonder if what Venus has now will be earth's future too but I hope not because the human race can continue to live here if that is not our future.

On Venus then in the 600 to 800 degree temperatures that exist there I met someone who likely lived on Venus when it was still nice like earth is now who still lives there. But, he was in what one might call a heavenly body might be the right word for it. One that is energy but not physical like the bodies humans reside in.

I asked him: "I want to go meet God in the Center of the Galaxy" (I didn't know anything yet really because I was only 22) I just wanted to ask God to not nuke Earth out of existence like Maldek the planet that is now the Asteroid Belt.

So, the Heavenly type of being told me I should go into the sun because it was a portal through to God in the Center of the Galaxy. I said, "Won't I burn up in the sun?" He said, "Oh No! You are in a Soul Mind body now and not in a physical one so you won't burn up. It will feel warm but not hot or burning."

He was right. It was like going into a hot tub on earth and I found it actually felt good to do this. For me, the hardest thing was getting below the surface because we all have this reaction to being underwater from habit where we want to breathe and I knew I wasn't going to want to breathe inside the sun because I wasn't in my body on earth fully. However, I was bi-locating which is being more than one place at the same time. So, my body was on earth meditating while I was in the sun.

So, Yes. It felt like being in a Hot Tub more than anything else. It felt soothing more than anything else too in a way I had never experienced before.

However, in a physical body you would incinerate in less than one second there and likely become vapor of some kind maybe.

But, in a soul mind body you will be okay there.

Then what appeared in my mind was a golden Throne that I was placed in so that I could be portaled to the Center of the Galaxy. Instantly I was there with the Galactic Sentience living there and thousands and perhaps millions of Creators there too.

I was treated as if I was a Tarzan kind of sincere but unevolved kind of being maybe like you or I would see in another country that has never been to school. I met many precious people in India and Nepal who had never been to school a day in their lives too so I understand what this is like more now.

But then, I just saw how impressed they all were that I made it all the way there without dying. I think this is what they thought mostly "How in the world did you get here without dying?"

I think this is what most of them thought from the expression on their faces when they communicated with me. It appeared they were speaking English with me but likely what was really happening was all telepathic instead.

I was shown to the Galactic Sentience and he said to me: "I've Missed you Grandfather!" which at the time I didn't know what to do with. Since then I have realized that "Grandfather" is an endearment that is applied to elders in the Creator Species that creates all the Galaxies in the Universe.

IT appears that retired creators after living Billions of years often take forms like humans of earth to experience mortality so that they will value being alive more. Also, we forget who we are so mortality makes us want to be alive more too. It's sort of like the way we humans immerse ourselves into a movie or a good book or story someone is telling us. Like that. This makes us want to live on and not fade out and die as beings billions of years old in our Creator energy forms. I'm thinking that each of us is a star in the sky pretending to be a human being here on earth. This is what I believe as of today.

By God's Grace

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