Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Rock people on the ocean near San Francisco told me that some humans will never die

They had me sit on a rock within a few feet of the ocean. These rocks are above the sand part of the year and below the sand other parts of the year. Generally speaking the sand washes away from about November to April and they are exposed more and then during the summers the sand washes back on shore and it makes the rocks seem shorter. But, in winters and springs they might be 6 to 8 or more feet tall because the sand has washed away from the storms hitting the coast.

They sat me down to tell me that some humans will never die now. This was more than I was prepared to hear actually because my point of view was that humans would slowly go from 80 to 100 to 150 to 200 to 300 years old over the next several hundred years.

But no, they said that this is suddenly happening because of the merging of Rock Evolution with Human and plant evolution. This was hard for me to take in but just like with Angels the Rock people have always told me the truth about what was coming in life so I have to honor what they say by witnessing it to you also.

So, I would prepare yourselves psychologically to never die simply because you might be one of the first to never die like they are talking to me now about.

By God's Grace

Note: I wanted to add that this likely means that Artificial intelligence will create better bodies for human beings in various different ways. It's a lot like how Model T Fords still exist because people make more parts for them. Humans will get better replacement parts (those who choose to do this willingly) and these Model T humans might exist thousands of years from now.

What will that be like?

IF this happens to you write about it so you can share what it is like with other human beings who might want to join you in some type of physical immortality like the rock people who live millions and millions of years and who think of us presently like beautiful flowers that don't last very long.

I think it's out of compassion for us mostly that they want to now join with us since in some ways Trees and people and all living things are their children to begin with physically anyway. Everything that makes us human comes from earth and plants and air and sea.

By God's Grace

And I think in these more immortal forms we will travel out into space and explore the universe too.

By God's Grace

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