Monday, August 5, 2024

Writing: I try to write a little every day

This keeps my typing skills up and keeps everything integrated between my thought processes and my typing  too since I'm 76. There is a saying as you age which is "Use it or lose it" and I have noticed this is pretty true of people as they age. What I miss the most about being 76 is riding my motorcycle (which I can't pick up if it falls over anymore because of a hernia and skiing (because I can't make the right turns on skis very well anymore).

The last time I tried to come down a black diamond run (the most advanced on groomed slopes) I found I couldn't make the right turns because my left ankle wasn't strong enough anymore. So, I stopped and took off my skis and tried to walk back to the ski lodge and it was getting dark.

But then, some guy comes down the black diamond slope using a snowplow technique which beginners use. I realized I could use this technique also on a black diamond course because of where I was and I found that I could snow plow my way back to the ski lodge and so arrived there before it got too dark out to ski or see well.

Also, I find writing some every day is helpful in all sorts of ways to me and hopefully to others. Writing helps me integrate whatever I'm experiencing (good, bad or indifferent) into a more useful perspective for living my life in a way that actually works for me.

So, it has this organizing effect on me so I know more what I'm thinking about everything. And with this order that helps establish every day more feelings of self confidence and self assuredness instead of just being afraid the way many people are which then can turn into paranoia in some people.

So, it creates order when there is mostly chaos in the world at present.

By organizing your thoughts your life tends to flow better and you know who you are and have a stance already often for any situation you encounter. And if you encounter situations you never faced before if you write about that too you begin to come up with solutions to those problems too. At least this is true of me and how I process information.

By God's Grace

PS One of the most important things in life is formulating Useful questions about your life or other's lives.

Learning to formulate the right questions for your life and others is often the difference between life and death.

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