Monday, August 5, 2024

If you grew up in the 1950s you have different values than most young people today

 One of the many differences is in regard to Israel. If you grew up in the 1950s people then felt sorry for the Jewish people (about 6 million died from Hitler in Ovens and in other ways) so people were supportive of Jewish people having a homeland in Israel in the middle East.

So, people out of the 50s have a different perspective than younger people today.

However, it is true that if Netanyahu is going to Act like Hitler in the way he runs Israel (which is apparently what he is now doing) then that isn't going to work either.

So, from my point of view (because of Netanyahu) we might see Jewish people beginning to leave Israel either now or soon in the future (the ones that want to survive anyway). Because things are looking sort of Suicidal for Israel because of Netanyahu who reminds everyone of Trump more than anything else.

Most others aren't as selfish as Trump and Netanyahu seem to be in the way they are doing things and moving the whole world into a World War III scenario without seeming to care what it is they are really doing at this point.

So, on the one hand I see the point of younger people supporting the Palestinians in Gaza who are experiencing the same kind of genocide from Israelis now that Jewish people did from Hitler in Germany.

And because Netanyahu keeps doing this it is now possible that Israel (at least the Jewish people in Israel) might be forced to leave that place for good if they want to stay alive.

However, the other thing that could happen is both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and Tehran could get nuked too pretty soon the way things are presently going.

What's happening now is literally bad for everyone on earth.

IF Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and Tehran are all just craters with everyone dead "What happens then?"

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