Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Keep writing and trying to understand better yourself and the world around you. You might live to 100 or more if you want to. I see people check out at literally anyage a lot and sometimes I think it is how many times I have almost died in my life that keeps me trying to stay alive.

However, I wouldn't do this for myself alone because I prefer my wife and children and grandchildren and friends in my life to make living on worthwhile for me. So, writing is one way that I express what I think about any given subject that I feel safe enough to write about to share with you online.

However, I think if you like to write it doesn't matter whether anyone else reads what you write.

No one really (except family and friends read what I wrote from the time I was born until I was 50 years old. It wasn't really until I realized I might die without sharing God's working in my life to keep me alive and angels working with me all my life to keep me alive. I wanted to recognize that I would have died many many times along the way without God and Angels helping me along the way and telling me the future when I needed to know it to survive.

By God's Grace

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