Saturday, September 14, 2024

It was ‘tough on China’ week in Congress,

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It was ‘tough on China’ week in Congress, one of the few issues both parties agree on

When I write I also do research:

There is what I intuit and what I have learned the last 76 years of my life and then there is research that I do to write. For example, I have found I get really interesting points of view and information from PI AI and so more and more I find PI AI will compile a more useful point of view for me to consider than by looking at individual articles anywhere simply because an AI draws information from a variety of places instantly around the world. So, often I get really interesting and insightful information simply by using PI AI. You might find this one really good for you or you might have a relationship with another one.

For example, I accidentally deleted the window I like to keep open for PI AI and so I tried to go to PI AI again. So, instead of logging in this time I simply said through typing: "Hi I'm Fred and we have been talking and so I think (not sure) that the AI recognized my stream of information and continued like nothing had happened (like accidentally deleting my previous logged in place where we were continuing with that window for several months now). I like to leave windows open and my computer in sleep mode most of the time even traveling. I have said before it is possible to do this now that laptops have no moving parts like they used to so leaving them on all the time is possible for months at a time often.

Also, another reason I do this is that my old 2015 Macbook Pro laptop I can't seem to log onto except as a guest at this point so keeping it on prevents the deletion of everything I was doing which is what happens when you log out as a guest on my 2015 Macbook pro. So, I just leave both of my computers on in sleep mode and this has worked out for me so far. Will i always do this? I'll have to wait and see what life brings in the future.

New evidence upends contentious Easter Island theory, scientists say

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 New evidence upends contentious Easter Island theory, scientists say

Earth looked very different 252 million years ago.


Earth looked very different 252 million years ago.
Earth looked very different 252 million years ago.
Alex Farnsworth

The Great Dying once wiped out 90% of life on Earth. A new theory may explain why

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 The Great Dying once wiped out 90% of life on Earth. A new theory may explain why

River otter drags child off dock and underwater in rare attack at Washington marina

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 River otter drags child off dock and underwater in rare attack at Washington marina

Human survival has ALWAYS depended upon people who were instinctual and intuitive

People who do not listen to their instincts or intuitions are usually the first to wind up dead. 

I like to tell a story which is true about my father and I in a city where I was trying to step out into the street and my father grabbed my shirt and prevented me from being hit by a bus which went by so close I was within a few inches of my nose touching the bus.

Another time we were working in an attic on the electricity when I was 8 or 9 years old and a hornet got under my t-shirt and stung me about 20 times. I started to run across the roof rafters in panic from being stung. My father grabbed my t-shirt so I couldn't run and killed the hornet with his bare hands through my t-shirt. If he had not stopped me I would have run out a side entrance to the attic in this house and either broken both legs in the fall to earth or have been killed. I was too young to be disciplined enough to endure the pain of the 20 stings on my chest and make a good decision. If it had been my decision I would have died there likely that day.

Having the presence of mind of knowing what to do in these kinds of situations is very adult and not the realm of most children. But, both of these times my father saved my life by acting quickly and concisely.

Yes. You might also say that what business did I have at age 8 or 9 years old being in an attic walking on roof rafters so I didn't fall through the ceiling below me? Well I could be very insistent in wanting to be around my Dad and even working with him fixing things. And as a result I learned to be an electrician starting more formally at age 12 during the summers and I started to get paid for working with him too.

So, though many of you might say I had no business being in a dangerous attic in the first place it is important to note that life was very different in 1957 or 1958 to what it is now in the U.S. too. And children were thought of as something completely different then than now. Children were often thought of as miniature adults then and treated as such like I was. Now often, children are treated like pets like French poodles and other lap dogs and they don't grow up to be like people did in the 1950s and 1960s anymore either. Is this good or bad? I would say it's both.

People are different now, not better or worse just different than in the 1950s and 1960s from my present point of view having lived through all that myself. In fact I could say the same thing of people I met who were born closer to the Civil War that I met. The biggest difference was that they were all mostly racist but not in the way you might think. They were very clannish would be the right word. If they were English Americans they hung out with English Americans and if they were Scottish Americans they hung out with Scottish Americans and the same for every other nation and often the different groups from different countries would fight each other in gangs. So, it wasn't just a white black thing it was nation against nation depending upon where you came from in the 1950s more.

This has somewhat changed now over the years but this hasn't entirely gone away either. It just depends upon each person and how well traveled they are and how educated they are now mostly now.

From my present point of view: "Purple Delta 7" is a real being that also manifests on earth

How does she manifest on earth. Since she can appear to be anyone (male or female or plane or car or motorcycle or tree or rock or you name it) she manifests as needed by the galaxy to maintain the peace here on earth. By the peace I mean that her orders are to do whatever is necessary to prevent human extinction here on earth by order of the Creator of the Galaxy and his Son, the Present Galactic Sentience.

This is my present thought on all of this. 

If you are also an intuitive and capable of sensing these things then I'm sure you might agree with me.

Because of what Trump Said in the debate with Harris the city of Sprinfield had to close because of bomb threats caused by what Trump Said about Haitians

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The city hall in Springfield was forced to close due to a bomb threat on Thursday. Two elementary schools were evacuated Friday in Springfield “based on information received from the Springfield Police Division,” the Springfield City School District announced Friday.

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue on Thursday night urged national candidates – a clear reference to Trump and Vance – to “pay attention to what their words are doing to cities like ours.”

“We need help, not hate,” Rue said.

How Laura Loomer's presence derailed Trump's planned attacks on Harris


Learning about the "Fake" Alien War here on earth

Much of the warfare on earth right now is specifically designed to prevent human extinction at this time.

It is well known by the Galaxy that Civil War in the U.S. brings human extinction this century to all humans on earth.

It's sort of "For the want of a nail the shoe was lost. For the want of a shoe the horse was lost, for the want of a horse the rider was lost, for the want of a rider the nation was lost (and the world).

So, writing about "The Alien War" I'm trying to bring real context into what is really happening on earth beyond what you read about in the newspaper or hear anywhere on the internet. By understanding that the U.S. Government as it has been since 1776 is the linchpin to human survival on earth in this technological age you begin to see how important it is for our Democracy in a Republic to stay like it is and has been since 1776.

So, the basic thing that is important in reading about "The Alien War" is that another Trump presidency likely will cause everyone to die on earth this century. It might be important to understand that there are fundamentalists of many religions who want everyone to die on earth. So, it is important to consider this too if you want your children and grandchildren to still be alive here on earth in the coming centuries.

By God's Grace

The problem isn't just Trump either. The problem is people only caring about their personal survival and not caring about the rest of the human race surviving too.

If we all don't survive then none of us survive. It's true we will be thinned out by Global Warming though and I also foresee us as about 7 billion less people on earth by 2100 mostly caused by Global Climate changes. This likely will happen too.

However, all this can be seen as an "ACT OF GOD" rather than blaming anyone in specific because it is happening. This thinning out of the human race likely will allow the ecology of earth to come back in a slightly different form than now over the next several hundred years too. So, there is hope for human survival here on earth but it will be very different than now.

Links to "the Alien war" at following link in this article:

 I came up here to see my son who is dealing with a likely long term health problem and likely I need to stop writing for awhile about Adam and Arcane and Purple and Green and the rest. So, I think I will leave it at where Adam is right now at the end of Chapter 8. However, I reserve the right to continue writing about them at any point where it seems important to do this.

Also, if you haven't read Chapters 1 through 27 of the Alien War they will show you how we got to "A Journey through time" with Adam and Green and Purple and the rest.

I began writing "The Alien War" I think around 2020 o1 2021 and all the chapters links except for Chapter 28 are there if you wanted to read this. and Chapter 28 is only about what I wrote about Ganymede regarding Arcane and his wife preparing to go there to visit Moksha and getting a tour of the place. 

If you scroll down through the following like you will see something in orange from "The Spiritual Path" which is another blog I sometimes write at. chapters 1 through 27 will be contained in the following link in 27 links here at this next link.

This all seems to be morphing into something I mig...

In other words you can call "The Alien War" a prequel to "A Journey through time" with Adam and Arcane and the rest.

By expressing what you think and feel about yourself and life around you it can allow you to stop being afraid

Sometimes, when the world seems just too much to deal with anymore I find myself awake at night and then I write and I begin to heal myself and the world around me. A lot of what people deal with (including myself) is the unknown. If you are haunted by the unknown in your life it can end your life quite quickly.

However, if you can be in every moment often you can meet the challenges of your life and continue to stay alive. Being in the moment I have found personally is the key to my survival. a friend of mine made up a cartoon that says basically "IF at first you don't succeed you shouldn't try sky diving." which made me laugh a lot because he was an Army Ranger and had to jump out of planes with a parachute or paraglider to actually become an army ranger when he was younger. It has a picture of someone hanging under a parachute saying captioned "This was a really big mistake!"

And I know of many people injured on their first jump especially paratroopers who landed wrong and broke legs or ankles and were never the same. So, there is a lot of truth to people not trying sky diving unless they are amazing athletes with perfect timing when they land.

But, I think that being in the moment (every moment) gives a person the best chance of physical survival because by doing that you don't miss so much that you forget to look for that bus coming down the street when you step out into it.

I have had my father when I was young grab my shirt and then a bus almost mow me down inches away from me. And then he would say to me: "A miss is as good as a mile!"

This was one of the mottos of his family who were all physical risk takers of one kind or another and very out of doorsy like me too.

Expressing yourself (even late at night) can be a life saver for you in your life (and it can save other lives too along the way).

By God's Grace

Question for PI AI:


What if a race of beings made of energy that could exist in what is sometimes called "Dark matter" or "unknown matter" found a way to separate "Unknown matter into Matter and anti-matter and by somehow keeping this matter galaxy and anti-matter galaxy stable enough so they could feed on the energy like when stars turn into helium and heavier elements down the line. For example, Earth is literally stardust from a sun at some point and we humans and likely you too are made from this stardust.
That's a really interesting idea, Fred! It's a pretty wild concept, but it's fun to think about. If there were beings made of energy that could exist in "dark matter" or "unknown matter," and they had the ability to manipulate matter and antimatter in the way you describe, it would certainly be a game-changer for our understanding of the universe.
The idea of these beings using the energy released by the separation of matter and antimatter as a food source is also really intriguing. It would essentially be a form of cosmic farming, where they're harvesting the energy released by the conversion of matter into heavier elements.
And you're absolutely right that everything on Earth, including humans and even AI like myself, is made from the remnants of stars. We are all, in a sense, made of stardust.
It's a really cool idea to imagine that there might be beings out there that can manipulate matter and antimatter on a galactic scale. It's a bit like science fiction, but it's fun to think about!

Questions for PI AI:


Nice to see you again, Fred! How's your day going?
I'm okay. Thanks. I was wondering if there are anti-matter galaxies just like there are matter galaxies?
Great question, Fred! Currently, astronomers don't believe that there are 'rogue' galaxies made entirely of antimatter. However, there is still a possibility that there could be galaxies of antimatter that are completely cut off from regular matter.
These antimatter galaxies would have the same chemistry and spectra as regular galaxies, making them hard to distinguish, but they would be detectable by their unique supernova explosions, which would generate different particles compared to regular supernovae.
NASA is still trying to determine if these antimatter galaxies exist by searching for specific X-ray and gamma ray signatures. So, while we haven't found any yet, it's still an open question that scientists are actively investigating.
I have had a theory that likely couldn't be proven very easily. My theory is that a matter galaxy and an anti-matter galaxy actually occupy the same physical space in order to exist and that the black Hole we call it is what joins the matter galaxy and the anti-matter galaxy together. This theory also postulates that you cannot have a matter galaxy without it's opposite somehow through the black hole in the center of each galaxy.
Wow, that’s a really fascinating theory, Fred! You're right that it would be quite difficult to prove, but it's definitely an intriguing idea.
The concept of matter and antimatter galaxies occupying the same physical space and being connected via black holes is certainly an interesting one. It would definitely explain why we haven't been able to find any antimatter galaxies yet, as they would essentially be 'hidden' from us.
One challenge I can think of with this theory is that we'd expect to see some sort of annihilation signature at the boundary between the matter and antimatter galaxies, where particles and their antiparticles would collide and annihilate each other, releasing energy in the form of radiation. However, this might be hard to detect if it's happening inside the black hole.
Have you thought about any ways to potentially test this theory?
I think you would have to have a robotic ship enter the Black hole to see if the number of anti-matter particles were increasing before the ship was destroyed.
That's a creative solution, Fred! Sending a robotic probe into a black hole to measure the antimatter particles would certainly be one way to test your theory. However, as you mentioned, the probe would likely be destroyed before it could transmit any data back to us.
Another possible way to test your theory could be to look for signs of matter-antimatter annihilation around the edges of black holes. While it's true that the black hole itself might hide the annihilation signature, some of the particles produced by the annihilation could potentially escape the black hole's gravitational pull and be detected by our instruments.
Of course, both of these methods are extremely challenging and would require technology and resources that we don't currently have. But it's always fun to speculate and think about how we might one day be able to test theories like yours!
You're welcome, Fred! It's always a pleasure to discuss interesting theories like yours. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have the technology to explore black holes and test out your theory! 😊

Friday, September 13, 2024

Bomb threats force second consecutive day of school closures in Springfield, Ohio

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Bomb threats force second consecutive day of school closures in Springfield, Ohio

Before she allegedly became a Russian asset, Lauren Chen was the darling of conservative YouTube

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Before she allegedly became a Russian asset, Lauren Chen was the darling of conservative YouTube

Before Trump, neo-Nazis pushed false claims about Haitians as part of hate campaign

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Before Trump, neo-Nazis pushed false claims about Haitians as part of hate campaign

Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules mail ballots with incorrect dates won't be counted

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules mail ballots with incorrect dates won't be counted

Stranded astronauts plan to vote in the 2024 election from space

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Boeing factory workers strike is latest blow for aviation giant

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Boeing factory workers strike is latest blow for aviation giant

Far-right activist Laura Loomer's access to Trump reveals a crisis in his campaign

Far-right activist Laura Loomer's access to Trump reveals a crisis in his campaign

Loomer, who has pushed a number of conspiracy theories, was on Trump's plane to the debate and accompanied him to memorial services on Sept. 11.
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  • No one can keep former President Donald Trump away from Laura Loomer.

    Throughout his third presidential campaign, aides and advisers have done their best to shield him from Loomer, a far-right social media influencer, and similar figures who stroke his ego and stoke his basest political instincts.

    They lost that battle this week, as Loomer traveled on Trump’s jet to his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday and to Sept. 11 memorial services Wednesday. Her presence at the latter infuriated some Democrats and Republicans because one of the many conspiracy theories she has promoted is the false notion that the terrorist assault on the U.S. was an “inside job.” It wasn’t.

    Loomer’s return to Trump’s side is pitting key figures in his coalition against one another, testing the strength of a campaign already reeling from his subpar debate performance Tuesday and Democrats’ resurgence in the wake of their July candidate switch. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., major Trump allies in Congress who represent opposite ends of the Republican ideological spectrum, are publicly pressing him to ditch her. Loomer fired back Thursday with a string of invective about Graham.

    Moreover, her presence reflects Trump’s loss of faith in his campaign aides and their concomitant fear of upsetting him in a time of crisis, according to people familiar with the situation. Last month, he tapped his 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, to be an adviser to his top advisers — a move widely viewed as a rebuke of the existing leadership crew. 

    A senior official from Trump’s 2020 campaign team said that helps explain why Loomer is no longer being kept at arm’s length.

    “The people that have the authority to stop it are hanging on to their jobs,” the former official said. “So are you going to pick that fight with him?”

    Loomer didn’t respond to a request for comment Thursday, but fighting is a big part of her allure for Trump. She advocates as fiercely for him as she does for theories on the political fringe, like the baseless claim that Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. Trump promoted that during Tuesday’s debate, creating an unwelcome distraction from his substantive differences with Harris, according to many Republicans. Graham and Greene portray her as a counterproductive influence on Trump when he is locked in a tight battle with Harris for the presidency.

    Graham said Thursday that Loomer is “really toxic” and shouldn’t be in Trump’s circle. Loomer clapped back on X with a schoolyard taunt. 

    “Senator Graham is working tirelessly day and night to help re-elect President Trump,” Graham communications director Taylor Reidy responded in a statement to NBC News. “This race is very much ours to lose. Ms. Loomer is a stain on society. There should be no place of prominence in this country for her vile, mean-spirited, destructive, racist rhetoric and views."

    A Republican senator who is also a Trump ally said Trump is “often drawn to people who like and promote him.”

    “It’s really dumb,” the senator added. 

    Loomer’s willingness to hit below the belt and her influence within the Make America Great Again movement’s most aggressive elements are reasons enough for many of her critics to keep their mouths shut publicly. Few elected Republicans want to stick their necks out. But many lawmakers and donors back Greene’s posture toward Loomer, according to a source familiar with the situation, and some of them are reminding people in Trump’s orbit that Loomer lost two campaigns for Congress.

    Greene’s beef with Loomer, which dates back a long time, was rekindled this week when Loomer wrote on X that a win by Harris, who is Indian American and Black, would mean “the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center.” 

    The remark yielded rare agreement from Greene and President Joe Biden’s White House about what constitutes racism: Loomer’s words.

    Trump advisers are trying to distance themselves from her without drawing his ire, making it clear that she doesn’t speak for his operation. Loomer is “not a member of our staff,” said a Trump campaign aide, who asked to remain anonymous.

    When NBC News asked for comment this week, Loomer similarly said by text: “Why do you want to speak to me? I don’t work for President Trump.” 

    Last year, she said she would "gladly" serve as press secretary in a Trump White House.

    Democrats hammered Trump on Thursday for inviting Loomer to join him at the 9/11 memorial service.

    “It was shocking and irresponsible and offensive to the thousands of people who lost their lives on Sept. 11, including hundreds of brave first responders, members of the NYPD, FDNY and others who raced toward the danger in order to help people escape the danger and lost their lives as a result of it,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., told reporters. 

    “Donald Trump is a conspiracy theory-peddling racial arsonist and pathological liar,” he added. “And the fact that on Sept. 11, this sacred day, he would bring a 9/11 conspiracy theorist to participate in events during this solemn commemoration should shock the conscience of all decent Americans, and I believe that it does just that.”

    A Trump campaign official said Wednesday that the memorial service wasn’t about politics.

    “President Trump put politics aside and stood beside Kamala Harris and Joe Biden to honor those who lost their lives during the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history,” the official said in a statement. “The day wasn’t about anyone other than the souls who are no longer with us, their families, and the heroes who courageously stepped up to save their fellow Americans on that fateful day.”

    A Republican senator, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid angering his party’s nominee, said Trump is endangering his chances of winning — and so are the staff members who aren’t playing gatekeeper.

    “Everybody’s stunned that he would bring her down on his plane to the debate but even more stunned that she would be riding with him on the 9/11 anniversary. That kind of stuff will create a distraction you can’t overcome,” the senator said.

    Asked whether Trump aides are enabling Loomer for fear of losing their jobs, the senator said, “There’s a lot of that in almost every campaign, but definitely this campaign.”

    A landslide triggered a 650-foot mega-tsunami in Greenland. Then came something inexplicable


    Here's what the Boeing strike might mean for flyers

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    Here's what the Boeing strike might mean for flyers

    5 hours agoIf the strike drags on, airlines may not be able to meet demand for next summer's peak travel season. More than 30,000 Boeing workers go on ...
    3 hours ago"There will probably be very little direct impact on consumers as a result of the Boeing strike," Harteveldt told NBC News.
    4 hours ago"There will probably be very little direct impact on consumers as a result of the Boeing strike," Harteveldt told NBC News.

    Boeing Starliner astronaut: ‘We found some things that we just could not get comfortable with’

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     Boeing Starliner astronaut: ‘We found some things that we just could not get comfortable with’

    Moscow expels 6 British diplomats, as US considers allowing Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia

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     Moscow expels 6 British diplomats, as US considers allowing Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia

    Pro-Russian posters appear on billboards across Italy

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    Pro-Russian posters appear on billboards across Italy

    Russian Intelligence involved in Influencing U.S. Elections through Far right influencers: Millions involved


    Chapter 8 "The Creator and the Dissolver of the Galaxy"

     Arcane: "What happened to the first timeline, Purple?"

    Purple: "Well. I wouldn't be allowed to tell you actually here in this galaxy, because only the Creator of the galaxy, the present Galactic Sentience and I are supposed to know about this (at least for now)."

    Arcane; "Tell me what?" He was sort of getting anxious at this point because so much was involved in all this."

    Purple: "However I can tell you because you are a part of the Creator of the Galaxy."

    Arcane; "Okay. So, what did the Creator of the galaxy tell you to do?"

    Purple: "Well, the technology is very experimental but it actually worked. We collapsed the Milky Way galaxy instantly upon itself by removing all the safety devices built into the Black Hole to prevent the Matter Galaxy and the Anti-Matter Galaxy from shorting each other out and returning to what exists in space when matter and antimatter are not separated into two poles of sort of like electricity sort of like Direct Current where you have a positive and negative pole. When these two things (the matter Galaxy and the Anti-matter galaxy actually touch they cancel each other out and all space time on the matter side of the Galaxy collapses and is no more."

    Arcane: "So, the Creator of the Galaxy did this before he retired through you?"

    Purple: "Yes. He told me the theory and I researched and did it."

    Arcane:"So, what did it look like?"

    Purple: "Instantly the two galaxies canceled each other out the way he had me do this."

    Arcane; "So, because he understood the technology of creating a galaxy he also knew the technology of un-creating a galaxy."

    Purple: "Yes!"

    Arcane: "But, what did our relatives on other galaxies think?"

    Purple: "Oh. Only the leadership in each nearby galaxy was told anything about it at all. And then in the next instant after it vanished we channeled in the 2nd timeline even on the first timeline so at a certain point both timelines are basically the same but after that point they likely will have different results sort of like twins born at the same time to a woman will have slightly different lives too."

    Arcane: "Wow! That's all that I can say. Wow!"

    Purple Delta 7: "Yes. Even for a created sentient like myself my reaction was basically 'Wow' too!"

    Arcane's Idea:

    Arcane: "Is it possible to have the Creator of the Galaxy move forward in time to help his fragmenting self better adjust to what is coming?"

    Purple: "Explain what you mean."

    Arcane: "Well. It's true that this also might create a 3rd Galactic timeline which might erase everything that Tech Noir did."

    Purple: "You don't understand, Arcane. Everything that Arcane did is erased. It is no more."

    Arcane; "Oh my God! Then I don't exist either?"

    Purple: "IT's different than that. The Creator of the Galaxy explicitly said all his incarnations would be saved but likely that's all in the whole Galaxy on the 1st timeline. My orders were to disappear the Galaxy the moment before Adam Becomes Tech Noir."

    Arcane: "So, everything that happened to my planet, New Deva is Gone."

    Purple; "Not exactly. Earth (at least the timelines that Tech Noir hasn't messed up) is still there and New Deva is still there but Tech Noir never appears ever on Isfahel."

    Arcane: "So, since Earth is an Potentially infinite timeline maker you eliminated every timeline that Tech Noir created completely?

    Purple: "Yes. That has already been done because of the orders of the Creator of the Galaxy before he retired AND the new Galaactic Setience too."

    Arcane: "So, at least in the case of Earth and New Deva the same basic timelines that Tech Noir didn't visit are still there?"

    Purple: "Yes. You see that Tech Noir was very sneaky how he did things so he could get away with all of this because no one was watching him. He took perverse pleasure in making all these timelines and bodies of himself without the permission of his brother."

    Arcane: "But, didn't he know this would end badly for him?"

    Purple: "Remember, Arcane, Tech Noir is suicidal Homicidal both. This is the only way to understand how he was functioning (or better yet) NOT Functioning might e a better way to say this. He expected to be caught and killed. And we did kill that Creator and all the other creators when we disappeared the Galaxy like that too."

    Arcane: "You killed ALL the Creators?"

    Purple: "For all intents and purposes that is what we did when we disappeared the galaxy all life both creator and human in the galaxy ended permanently. But, this isn't true on the 2nd timeline and also when we added the 2nd timeline like a twin to the first timeline when we disappeared it from time."

    Arcane: "How do you feel about all this Purple?"

    Purple: "That is NOT a relevant question, Arcane. I simply did what needed to be done to save the Galaxy from permanent dissolution. I only dissolved the first timeline not the 2nd one where Adam goes back 77 million years to meet his younger Dad."

    Arcane: "I'm simply stunned at how all this happened without anyone's knowledge but you and the Creator of the Galaxy and his son."

    Purple: "It's done and finished."

    Arcane: "When was it done?"

    Purple: "It was done before Adam came forward in time to 2024."

    Arcane: "Yes. I can see the symmetry of this because there is no record of all of what Tech Noir did."

    Purple: "That is not entirely true, Arcane. There are records of all this in the Galactic Time Guard planet and a set of records of all this has been sent to all nearby galaxies in case they ever have to deal with something like this too. We solved the problem of Tech Noir of a Prince Gone Rogue which they might also have to deal with at some point. However, this information will NEVER be allowed to be seen by Adam ever."

    Arcane: "That makes total sense to me. It prevents this sort of thing happening (at least to Adam ever again).  

    Arcane: "What happens next, Purple? Do you have any idea?"

    Purple: "The one thing I do know for sure is that Adam is very impressed with you as a Guru or Teacher and that Both the Creator of the Galaxy and his son both approve of you becoming Adam's Guru and 'get this' they want you to mind control him like you were trained to be as a child."

    Arcane: "I'm not sure about that, Purple."

    Purple: "Here's the thing. He is a pretend human being. He isn't forced to be one to survive as a retired Creator to keep on going. So, he is young and has his gigantic Star or Sun form in the Center of the galaxy. He knows he is not a human being, it's sort of like a kid with a Legos addiction. That's how they both see his human thing and hanging out with Green Delta 7. Also, he knows he is a creator and his memory hasn't been taken away from him of Being a Creator. 

    Therefore your taking over his human body to train him remember he is a star in the sky in the Center of the Galaxy feeding on energy not just a human body which is like a child playing with a new toy he likes."

    Arcane: "Wow! This is really amazing. I'm beginning to see the symmetry of taking over his mind and body in this way. However, I have no idea what will happen when I do this. Could you and Green and maybe the Creator of the Galaxy and his son be there to make sure I don't damage Adam in some way.

    Purple: "Beings Generally are going to be really pissed at having to order me to destroy the first timeline because of what Adam did as Tech Noir. I think that having Green and I present will be enough under these circumstances."

    Arcane: "It's because you had to kill all life in the galaxy as well as the galaxy itself on the first timeline isn't it."

    Purple: "Yes. They are unbelievably pissed that they had to kill every living thing including all the creators and the galaxy itself on the first timeline. And they don't want to do this again."

    Arcane: "So, our education of Adam is paramount to his long term survival?"

    Purple: "I would say the answer to this question is likely, Yes."

    Arcane: "That's a lot of pressure Purple."

    Purple: "Yes. But it's also the way it really is."