Tuesday, July 3, 2012

30 pounds in one week

I'm 6 foot 4 3/4 inches tall so this isn't what the average person would lose on the "Fat, Sick and nearly Dead" diet but that is what I have  lost so far. In fact it isn't even really one week because it is now 11 pm Tuesday night and I started the diet Thursday last week. But, when one of the grocers in a nearby SafeMart Grocery store asked me about the diet I told him that it worked. He also had been told by his doctor to lose weight because of potential high blood pressure. So, he was happy to hear that this diet actually works.

For me, this is the first diet that actually works for me because up until I was in my 40s losing   potentially  20 to 25 pounds was something I could do in a weekend. However, I had to stop doing fasts because I was having problems with hypoglecemia then that I later found was caused by hypothyroidism. However, now I'm taking Armour Thyroid by prescription from Canada now hypoglecemia or low blood sugar is no longer ever a problem for me because the thyroid gland governs ones hormones. And since that is in balance because of the Armour thyroid I take daily I no longer get low blood sugar ever. So, that allowed me to do this Organic Raw Vegan Juice fast which has not only allowed 30 pounds to fall off me in less than a week. Because of this significant weight loss it gives me the faith and strength to potentially keep losing weight until I get back down to my best weight ever which is about 200 to 225 for my height and frame. I have been struggling for the last 20 years since my divorce and then getting remarried and having another daughter to try to lose this weight to no avail. I never gained weight in my life that much except for divorce, remarriage and having a daughter and because I was in my 40s I just couldn't lose it by exercising like I once did. But, if you get your doctors permission and if you are over 40 (I'm 64) this really takes the weight off pretty fast if you are a man. If you are a woman though over 40 it will still take the weight off but I heard one woman's youtube video say she lost about 30 pounds in 30 days which sounds about average for the weight a woman can lose on this diet. That's still pretty good. 1 pound a day on this diet even if you are over 40 and a woman too.

So, if you are over 40 (or under) and the doctor gives his permission and gives you a blood test every 7 to 10 days while you are on this diet then you may lose a pound a day or more too.

Here are some related articles if you are interested:

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