Saturday, January 14, 2017

Everything is Changing on Earth now

Nothing will remain the same.

Now more than ever you need to be proficient in your intuitive senses to survive these times coming now. There will be much confusion and untruths all over earth and many people won't survive this.

However, simultaneously at the exact same time a New Age is dawning if we can be true to our quest for the Infinite whether it be in God or Nature or Compassion or whatever gives us hope for a good future for our children.

Overpopulation (in some areas) is one of the drivers of all this.

But, the seeds of the future we will all see is also coming.

So, I look at these times a lot like people looked at the 1930s and 1940s which then brought in (for the U.S. and Europe and other parts of the world, Plenty.

However, the suffering of the 1930s and 1940s had to be endured so the Plenty of the 1950s through 1990s could be experienced and even once again since the Great Recession has ended another time of relative plenty has also now arrived for the U.S. and for many parts of the world.

Trump possibly coming in as president of the United States likely will change the world order established with 100 million deaths during World War II and another 100 million deaths during the Cold War.

The present world order was built upon 200 million deaths in wars and starvation around the world.

So, the present world order was built on blood.

If Trump disassembles the old order then the new order will also be built on blood country by country worldwide.

There might not be countries as we know them now out the other end of this. I'm not sure.

What I do know is that overpopulation is the primary cause because of a lack of birth control in some countires.

Secondarily to this is Global Warming, Global Climate change which could eliminate half to all people on earth just this century if people aren't very careful how they develop their countries worldwide.

Then on top of this we have an ongoing Technological Singularity.

What is that you might say?

It is when the machines we build become smarter than any one person like Watson and are quickly becoming smarter than all people on earth combined.

IN fact, expect your IPHONE to be smarter than you are by 2020 to 2025. This is a given, this isn't even science fiction at this point.

When this much change on all levels occurs confusion of various kinds among individuals and groups of people is inevitable and some of them are going to have violent reactions to all this change individually and collectively in various different ways.

Some reactions will be violent and some will be passive aggressive and some will just become dysfunctional but all are going to have reactions to extreme changes in their lives.

So, having a higher power to call upon in these times and developing your instincts and intuitions is one way to survive these times.

Many will simply be overcome by all these changes and seek a way out through drugs and be gone. Others of us will commune with nature and eat organic food and be okay.

It's all a choice worldwide isn't it?

But the future is coming with or without any or all of us.

So, the better choices we make the better chance we and our children and grandchildren will have.

By God's Grace

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