Friday, January 27, 2017

Is Trump Good or Bad for America? Both

Is Trump Good or Bad for the World? Mostly Bad.
Americans have a very well designed and adaptable government and culture. WE can change really fast compared to most nations because of excellent higher education and a very practical base of people willing to reeducate themselves. However, this is not true of the lower 20% of Americans who likely are just going to mostly starve and die or "Fade out slowly" through Trump.

However, most of the world has poorly designed governments and cannot successfully change that fast right now. Because of this a leader like Trump's "America 1st" decisions are only going to tend to end those governments and peoples in some third world nations around the world.

However, in more developed nations they may learn from the good things that Trump does or at least the things that appear to work in the short run that he does.

So, just expect the poorest 20% of people on earth mostly just starving, dying, having unsuccessful revolutions, etc. Mass chaos and mass unrest in 3rd world nations around the world.

It will be pretty awful to witness. However, The Trump Administration may actively prevent Americans from seeing the carnage and chaos his policies bring.

In other words we might not have a "Free Press" but rather a press directed to "See" only some things wrong in the world that Trump wants them to.

So, the end result will be for America: More jobs.

The cost will be that all those jobs that went overseas to people who needed them there will now be gone and they might starve or revolt more than they are already.

Over time Oil nations of the Middle East will begin to collapse one by one as oil collapses from a Necessity needed by all nations to a necessity needed only by the few for transportation as solar and wind become less and less expensive and more people (like in California now) drive hybrids, or outright all electric cars.

So, in places like Syria and Iraq the refugee Crisis is likely to get much worse and even though ISIS might be eliminated mostly or completely (you notice Al Qaeda is still around after Bin Laden is dead) sort of like that.

However, genocide between Sunnis and Shia Muslims can only increase because of NO birth control at all in Muslim states.

End Result:

More jobs for middle class Americans with the lowest 20% of Americans beginning to starve to death and to self destruct.

A similar effect worldwide but remember foreign governments (especially 3rd world ones) are not well designed so expect many of those governments to be overthrown or just in complete chaos most of the time from now on.

The end result of the lower 20% of the U.S. and the world slowly starving to death or worse might be that the human race does NOT go extinct (at least in this century).

This last point might be a good thing (but not for the 20% of the poorest in the world who likely will tend to die through Trump's policies during this century.

Even if Trump only rules 4 to 8 years, the harm done to the 20% poorest is going to change a lot the way people think about each other world wide.

In other words: "America will be hated like never before" and therefore it won't be wise for world travelers to tell people they are Americans in very many countries during the Trump administration if they want to live while traveling there.

My suggestion is that you pretend to be Canadian from an area in Canada that you have actually been to already. (except with foreign officials with whom you must be completely honest and straightforward) I"m just saying you must not say you are an American, especially in 3rd world countries now being destroyed by the Trump Administration worldwide. Because, places like Mexico Americans being beat up or dying likely is going to get pretty common for tourists now. Expect this in 3rd world nations around the world where Trump is killing their poorer relatives too.

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