Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Is Russia decriminalizing Domestic violence against women some kind of Message to the U.S.?

From a California point of view this is only sick. But, other parts of the worlds like Russia where a lot of Vodka is drunk pretty regularly to survive their lives there, it makes sense 12,000 women in Russia die each year from domestic abuse or 1 every 44 seconds.

It's sad to see the rights of women trampled so much in ANY developed nation.

Sounds like a lot like the 1950s when I grew up here in the U.S. when women died like that here from domestic abuse before the laws and mores all changed so much between then and now.

The biggest change to this kind of behavior is first the birth control pill and education and the capacity to go to college and get a better job. This is always true worldwide.

Education is everything. Education creates opportunities unlimited in women's lives around the world.

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