Friday, February 16, 2018

Having a passport and money to buy an airline ticket anywhere on earth if necessary is a good idea

Why Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping for t...

I was thinking more about this after reading the New Zealand story regarding Silicon Valley Billionaires.

And for most people having the money to get away from a calamity is the biggest thing. I'm thinking the calamities are less about big wars and more about weather and earth changes ongoing this century. Calamities are going to be caused by inflation like we will see caused by the Tax Bill just passed. And we will see extreme cost of living increases when crops in places like Texas to Florida are washed away in Hurricanes, and we will see fires in California and droughts cause crops to not happen or be burnt up too. Each time crops are interfered with anywhere even on Puerto Rico food goes up in price. And as food goes up in price less poor people can survive which is likely going to cause a rise in crime as people try to survive wherever they are on earth when money doesn't go as far.

So, most reasons to have a passport and to buy a ticket elsewhere (at least in the U.S.) are caused by weather changes and will be caused by Global Warming and Global Climate change.

IF you have more money enough to buy land and tools to build a house there and to get water rights to water your land to grow enough food to eat that might be good too. Because the biggest problem this century is going to be "Clean water and good food" that will keep you and your families alive.

However, the more 3rd world you tend to go the more things like Giardia and other things are going to be in your water. And also in 3rd world countries often people use human feces to fertilize their crops which also because of human hygiene can spread diseases like polio and other things to.

So, if you are used to living in a 1st world country likely one of the best countries to escape what is happening here in the U.S. is to Canada which is more similar to the U.S. than any other country on earth.

Also, the other advantage of Canada is that poor people becoming rich is much much more common there than here in the U.S. now (and this is because we have dismantled most social welfare programs) for the most part here in the U.S.

So, here in the U.S. if you go on Social Welfare it is more likely you will stay poor here in the U.S. for a variety of reasons. This isn't true in Canada.

However, there are two states that I know of that will tend to get you off social welfare by helping you start a business. They are California and New York. But, like most things you have to ask for the help to get it and to be informed. So, you have to have gone to college often to be able to take advantage of many of the things available to a person.

I talked to a lady for example, that said that there is a free smartphone available to people on Medi-Cal here in California called the "Obama phone". This was news to me.

A phone is really really important when you want to start a business or change your life for the better. So, this phone could literally catapult people off of social welfare and into their own businesses at least in California.

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