Sunday, February 25, 2018

Bing Picture of Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah

I remember driving through here in 1970 in the Wintertime in my 1966 VW Bug then. It was very cold and I didn't have much money and was driving from Santa Fe to Salt Lake City, Utah and then to Yucca Valley, in the deserts of California where my parents lived then for that winter for Christmas. But I still remember just how beautiful it was there in the Winter and how beautiful the Colorado Rockies were as I drove through them from Denver and Boulder across to Utah in November and December of 1970. I remember playing the guitar on plains roads while I drove with my right or left knee because the roads often were straight for what seemed like 100 miles. So, I played the guitar to keep myself awake driving these long expanses with no one there in the winter then. I was 22 years old. It was likely the longest driving trip I ever took alone in my life. Most of the time I prefer a friend or a girlfriend or a wife or children there. I don't really like being alone for more than 3 or 4 days usually.

So, this was a long time driving between friends in Santa Fe, and Boulder and Salt Lake City and Yucca Valley, California for me then.

I also remember buying myself a Yamaha pumpkin colored guitar which I still have with nylon strings so it wouldn't tear up my finger tips like steel strings do on the frets when I was 25 and I took it to Horse Camp Sierra Club Lodge on Mt. Shasta then the spring of 1973 too. I had to find a snow shovel because the snow was higher than the emergency lodge at around 8000 to 9000 feet on Mt. Shasta. I had to dig down about 12 to 15 feet in the snow to even open the front door to the emergency lodge then. I had to use snow shoes to get up there because the snow was 20 to 25 feet deep then most places above 7000 feet. But, I was able to clear the chimney so I could build a fire in the wood stove and spent my 25th birthday after I put a friend and her daughter on a bus to Alaska where she and her daughter lived then. Life was quite different for me then. One year later I was married with a son on the way who would be born 1 year and one month from this time at Horse Camp Lodge on my 25th birthday. Many many changes were in store for me that year and succeeding years as you can see.

Bryce Canyon National Park is south of Provo, Utah before you get to Saint George, Utah and Las Vegas Nevada. You travel down Interstate 15 and go on smaller roads over to it in between Provo and Saint George, Utah.


Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

With a higher elevation than other nearby parks, Bryce Canyon’s climate is a little cooler, so fog drifting across the park’s forests is not uncommon. Bryce Canyon has many unusual geologic features, not the least of which are the hoodoos—tall spires of stone—that form a large portion of the landscape. In fact, there are more hoodoos here than in any other spot on the planet. #hoodooparty

Bryce Canyon NP - Official Site
Thor's Hammer on the Navajo Trail at midnight under an overcast of June's full moon. The rim trail can give you a quick look into the Bryce Amphitheater. Water fall at Mossy Cave Trail at sunset Water fall at Mossy Cave Trail before sunset at Bryce Canyon ...

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