Saturday, February 17, 2018

Teaching kindness helps people avoid World War III and turning the earth into an Asteroid belt like the one out past Mars

As you teach kindness to others it creates a chain reaction of kindness around the world. Demonstrating kindness helps other people learn to be big enough to be kind too. In my generation in the 1960s and 1970s when I was young we traveled the world and made friends with people everywhere we went. Our parents and grandparents were more ethnocentric and less open to his kind of behavior. Then JFK started the Peace Core through Sargent Shriver and young people especially in college could travel the world and teach people about how to create clean water and how to farm and to build things better around the world. By doing this it made the world actually capable of supporting 8 billion people which it couldn't have done before.

In 1900 educated people believed no more people could survive on earth then. But, diesel Farm tractors and dams being built worldwide changed all that to where we now have almost 8 billion people or 8 times what we had in 1900 here on earth. Even at the end of World War II when I was born 3 years after there were only 2 billion people on earth so now we have 4 times as many people as wehn I was growing up.
But, it must be understaood that there is a limit to how many people can successfully live on earth without all killing each other at some point.

Schools and churches and malls and concerts being shot up regularly now is caused by overpopuation to some degree too. It's a mammalian thing that happens when there are just too many of one species where some males start killing everyone.

But, still teaching kindness to oneself and others still is the key to preventing nuclear war and the end of all life on earth.

However, as population increases there will be more and more beserkers killing everyone.

Berserker - Wikipedia
Berserkers (or berserks) were champion Norse warriors who are primarily reported in Icelandic sagas to have fought in a trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the English word berserk.
One could also call Islamic Terrorists Beserkers too in that they are trying to kill Everyone who isn't a Sunni Muslim.
Every culture has it's beserkers who go into a trance now, Islamic Terrorists just used the "Fearless to die" drug called Xanax to give their troops to put them in a killing trance. 

So, there will always be some beserkers and there will always be people who are kind and learning to be kind here on earth.

All Beserkers tend to be dead by 20 or 30 years of age that are males.

But, there are no long lived beserkers usually.

So, if you want to learn to be kind you may be one of the long lived kind people who will rule the earth always.

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