Sunday, October 21, 2018

Why is Compassion such a powerful Path?

Because it is a path of healing of yourself and all beings in the past, present and future of the entire universe.

Often one starts with oneself.

You stop torturing yourself and driving yourself crazy which is what many cultures make us do in order to make us fit into one concept or another.

You give all that up.

So, you become the designer of yourself, and as you become the designer of yourself you also become the parent of yourself as God intended. Then you find yourself becoming first the parent of all beings you encounter and eventually the Grandparent of all beings you encounter too.

And more and more all beings accept you as a father or mother figure and eventually accept you as a Grandfather or Grandmother figure too.

It is a natural growth process because they recognize that you survived to become an actual adult useful to all beings as a parent or a grandparent.

By God's Grace

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