Sunday, October 21, 2018

Are you fluid or Fixed?

Fluid              or         Fixed
Independent              Respectful of Elders
Self-Reliant               Obedient
Curious                     Good-Mannered
Considerate              Well Behaved

Also, if you prefer your children to be:
Independent, Self-Reliant, Curious and Considerate
Then often you are more Liberal in your thinking and voting.

If you want your children to be:
Respectful of Elders
Well Behaved

Then likely you are more likely to be Conservative in your philosophy, thinking and voting.

Personally, as an Independent I like all these qualities. For example, because I grew up in the 1950s I believe in Respect for Elders and there are times when children need to be obedient in difficult situations. I tend to be well mannered and well behaved, especially in really difficult situations when order is important to avoid complete chaos when many people are present.

However, Ideally, if it is safe enough in that situation I prefer children to be:
Independent, Curious, self-reliant, and considerate.

The problem is that Well behaved children are NOT considerate because they have not been allowed to have their own feelings to know what they actually feel or think. So, therefore being considerate is an emotional choice because you actually care about the well being of people around you instead of just being forced to be well behaved.

However, if you are not also well behaved that can be a problem too. So, where are your priorities?

However, if you drive a Prius you are more likely to be Liberal and if you drive a Pick-up truck you are more likely to be conservative.

I'm driving a large pickup truck which is a 4 wheel drive but my wife's car gets 25 or 30 miles per gallon but both are either a 4 wheel drive or an all wheel drive because we drive through the snow in the winter time and I like to drive off road 4 wheeling too.

So, in my case likely I'm both fluid and fixed at the same time. In other words I see the benefits of both ways of thinking.

Conservatism is how you survive a war and stay alive. Being liberal allows progress and financial success and being entrepreneurial. So, I see the use of both ways of thinking depending upon the situation entirely.

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