Thursday, April 3, 2008

Creating Heaven

It doesn't really matter what we believe. But there is one thing I'm sure of. We all begin creating heaven by everything we think, feel, do or say right here right now. It is by taking responsibility for our thoughts feelings and actions that it all begins.

I remember reading how some Japanese people liked to go to the Japanese Disneyland because they perceived it to be a PURE LAND. This is another way of describing a heaven in Japanese culture. In other words it is possible to create a heaven on earth or to go to a heaven on earth. I have always understood this. I think this came from my ancestors who colonized America in coming from Europe. Heaven was always right here, right over the next hill, in the next meadow, next to the next lake or ocean. Heaven is here right where we are.

Like my parents and grandparents if I found a place somewhat destroyed by too many people it was always easy to go to some place better. However, now more and more there aren't as many "nice" places left on earth because of just too many people everywhere. So now more and more we have to create our own heavens starting in our minds and hearts and doing what is still possible here on earth.

As a precognitive psychic I can sense the incredible change on earth. Not just in humans but in ALL LIVING THINGS. I can sense whole species going extinct now but also new species never touched before by man being discovered in the Antarctic waters and also in addition to this new species being created from a bacterial level to survival modifications taking place within thousands of species including humans.

To have peace in ones heart in all times is a challenge past, present and future. However, peace IS possible in all times and Heaven is possible in all times. When you are experiencing heaven remember to pray for all those who aren't. That is the key to true peace. For how can any one of us really enjoy heaven while even one of us is still suffering otherwise.

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