Sunday, April 6, 2008

Follow your Heart Follow your Truth

Follow your Heart Follow your Truth. I have found that the people who stay sane and alive and healthy mentally and physically into old age tend to do this. I have watched people I have known make severe compromises go crazy slowly or quickly in life and sometimes die because of giving up their real dreams for money or an illusory career their heart was not in ever.

Life is very short. If you waste it following someone else's dreams rather than your own your life likely will be short and miserable and definitely boring. That is not to say you will never have to make compromises. No one lives very long without having to make compromises. No. It's what you are willing to compromise that is important.

There is a saying, "Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind". I have found this true for everyone. The further from one's dreams that one lives ones life the more crazy and "dangerous" those people tend to become.

When I was young I felt obligated to follow my parents dreams for me. This just didn't work at all for me. For some people their dreams are exactly the same as their parents. But this wasn't completely true for me. Like my parents I loved nature and wilderness and like my grandfather the wilderness was the closest to God I have ever come. The furthest from God I find in slums in large cities where death, drugs and depravity live. So I have always made a choice to stay away from those kinds of places.

We seem to be entering less forgiving times, probably the least forgiving times since World War II and the Great Depression. Because of Global warming and worldwide stock manipulations and just plain greed and fraud worldwide I'm not really sure how many people will actually survive until 2050 for example. I appear to be okay but many who took risks that they didn't realize were risks and who had never been through the Great Depression or had relatives that brainwashed them like I did fell victim to the worldwide fraud scheme called Subprime lending. Or should I say the worldwide fraud scheme perpitrated on both lenders and those obtaining loans for houses. It is difficult to say who got harmed more, the lenders on every continent or the individual families who were lied to on every level concerning their loans.

However, even in these difficult times worldwide, following your heart while following your truths until through diligence and research you find better and better truths is still the best way to go if you are interested in living past 30 and being relatively happy.

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