Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Three Good Candidates

Three Good Candidates. UP until recently I felt we had two good candidates that I could support in one circumstances or another. Now however, after Obama's speech on race I feel we have three good candidates. The reason for this is that Obama, rhetorically, if for no other reason has moved, for me, into the category of someone who could be another Martin Luther King or Mandella potentially as well as a very powerful world leader. What I'm saying is that for over 50 years the President of the United States has been in some ways a de facto leader of the world. I'm not really sure if Obama would make a good President of the United States. However, I am sure he would make a good leader of the world and for this reason I could support him or Hillary or McCain depending upon the world circumstances in November.

My main concern about McCain is that he doesn't think we need to balance the budget or pay off our world debt as a nation. I believe that unless this is done as quickly as possible the dollar will continue to fall into complete oblivion eventually. Already a dollor is only worth 62cents of what it was 5 years ago against the Euro. This isn't good for our nation. It might be good for American exporters but most US citizens aren't exporters we all mostly just trying to survive and a 62cent dollar against the Euro doesn't help us as a nation survive!

Even though for me, Hillary is the strongest candidate at present, the world is changing and even though I am around Hillary and Bill's age and tend to think like a 1960s person just like they do, younger people must also have their say and their hopes and dreams. Though I am of the present to some degree now I am of the past just like folks who were in World War II were people of the past when I grew up. Even though I watched faithfully programs like Victory at Sea and Combat on TV about World War II on land and sea, the world has changed once again to the point where people under age 35 no longer understand my generation beyond the characatures of the 1960s on TV and in movies which appear almost like political cartoons in newspapers so far from my actual experience of those times they tend to represent now.

In the end the world was just very different in almost all ways from what it is now.

So, given all the present day variables I now have three candidates that I could vote for given whatever is going on in the world in November 2008.

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