Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Worldwide Generation of Atheists?

If you were to ask me, "Why is this happening?" I would have to say that the direct cause is religious wars like we are seeing in Syria today, It is Christians and Muslims slaughtering each other in Africa, Malaysia, the Philippines and all countries all over the earth.

But, is this a solution or another problem? If you study what creates great cultures all over the earth it has always been religions. It is the only way people were able not to slaughter each other quite as much by believing in some of the same things. Even democracy in Greece and Rome were tied to some degree with the coming of age of Christianity. So, even democracy was tied to the forgiveness of Christ and Christian Brotherhood.

And in Asia, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Jainism and Confucius and his philosophy were paramount to developing Asian cultures and philosophies.

So, what will this new movement (especially in the middle to upper class young people) who haven't had anything serious to deal with in their lives yet do to the world? This is a very big unknown.

I have always been a firm believer that "There are no atheists in foxholes". In other words when you face death on the battlefield or in life people tend to believe in God in order not to go insane and die in bad situations. Though this might take on a different form in Buddhist nations (rather than "God Bless You" it becomes "Buddha Bless You" for example, to some degree it is exactly the same thing in sentiment in regard to spirituality and treating oneself and others with kindness. And in the end treating others and self with kindness allows civilizations to function and not just blow themselves apart and take people back to the dark ages or even back to the stone age.

For example, the most barbaric country presently on earth appears to be North Korea. They don't believe in God there so what happened to them to still be living in a Warlord feudal society with nuclear weapons here in 2014. And I would have to say the 2nd most barbaric country on earth would presently have to be Syria primarily caused by Assad, Iran and Russia. But the other side might say the cause is Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Europe and the United States.

But, anyway you look at the barbarism of Syria, Africa or anywhere else on earth religions are killing each other or strapping bombs on and blowing themselves and others up it is tending to create atheism in young people through the horror of watching people be this insane in their lives.

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