Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Individual Vigilantees with guns on the Rise in the U.S.

I suppose you could just call it "Things going haywire in the U.S." That is one way to look at all this. I think you could start with Zimmerman killing Travon Martin and getting away with it because of "Stand your Ground" laws. Next, Someone was shot for texting his babysitter about the well being of his child in a movie theater while his wife watched. Next, a Man shoots a 15 year old girl in the head for egging and trashing his car. And one of the strange things about stand your ground laws is that he might have a really good defense for shooting that 15 year old girl in his state.

So, what is going wrong here in the U.S. ? Is it people having guns? Is it "Stand your Ground Laws"? Or is is just the breakdown in society that has occurred because of the economic downturn since about 2000 in the U.S. Any way you look at it people are really angry that they can only buy 7% less than they used to be able to. So, there is this anger seething just under the surface all across the U.S. but it manifests with guns coming out and being used mainly in southern States from Arkansas to Florida. And I think we likely will see more of this kind of thing in the future. It is a sign of our times of things not being as good generally as they used to be. People are bound to be more angry and sometimes they are going to snap. Though it is unfortunate I think we better expect to see more of this in the future.

When really angry people also have guns some people are going to die. It is a given.

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