Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Is the World Ready for another Great Depression?

I hope not.

However, all the things to prevent another Great Depression in the U.S. and Worldwide are not in place here or in any other country that I know of on  Earth.

Here is the problem in the U.S. so far. The Great Recession was caused directly by banks and other investment speculations worldwide. This then tended to  ricochet back into fuzzy loans with flexible rates upward. When the rates all went up from bad banking deals worldwide in the Credit Swap area it became a vicious circle which brought down the value of all homes in the U.S. and in much of the world starting in 2007 and 2008.

But, what is now in place to stop this from happening again?

Ever since the Glass Steagle Act of the 1930s was slowly disassembled by Reagan, Bush, Clinton and then the last Bush, there has been nothing really to stop another Great Depression from happening literally any time again.

To prevent another great Depression the banks and investment instruments worldwide would have to be better regulated so they don't wind up manipulating currencies and stocks around the world in order to make more money from themselves. Because whenever banks that are too Big to Fail around the world (especially in the U.S. and Europe) (Canada actually has a better handle on this than we do here in the U.S), Too big to fail actually means if any ONE banking system goes down it is just too big for the country or countries it is in to ever afford to bail that bank out.

So, too big to fail banking systems are literally a Russian roulette to the head of mankind that is being played every single day. Eventually the bullet is going to be in the chamber and one of these really big banks is going to fail and no one worldwide is going to be able to stop it and dozens of countries will financially fail because of this and a Great Depression is suddenly here as Countries no longer have the ammunition to stop another World Wide Great Depression from happening.

And the next one is likely to be about 20 to 30 times worse than the one in the 1930s for a variety of reasons. First of all, we now have 3 to 4 times as many people nationally and worldwide and we are barely scraping by feeding the world and preventing really serious revolutions worldwide caused by starvation. Then you have Worldwide weather changes preventing growing enough food that could be counted on. So, when a weather catastrophy triggers a major "too big to fail" banking collapse literally anywhere on earth it will tend to set up a chain reaction of events that likely won't be stopped by anything we presently have in stock to do that.

So, regulations preventing too big to fail banks and other financial institutions will be necessary to have in place as a first step in stopping another Great Depression sometime in the next 20 to 30 years. So, we don't have to witness firsthand the horrors we presently see in North Korea and Syria all over the world at once.

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