Thursday, June 18, 2015

If Greece turns to Russia for help will Italy, Portugal and maybe Spain be far behind?

There isn't much that would freak out the European Union more,  based right now in Germany than countries like Greece, Italy and Spain and Portugal potentially doing the same thing within 20 years time. (Turning to Russia for help)

Though the Euro was a good idea it has caused many problems because you can't have (the United States of America) in Europe without a different system than they presently have. The European Union is about like having the United Nations governing Earth. It just really doesn't work yet (or ever?)
It might prevent war and some other problems but it doesn't deal effectively with financial  problems of individual states within the Union. Presently, the economic test is being given the European Union by the Universe to see if it can survive in the real world addressing real world problems. So, far the answer to this question has to be "No." Or at the very least Maybe and no.

Someone once said the answer to this problem is Russia joining NATO. However, it would have to be less corrupt than it presently is and actually have a democracy that works for that to happen now.

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