Sunday, June 14, 2015

Is the New Cold War about to get Hot?

U.S. Ambassador Power: "We believe Europe will re-up the sanctions against Russia." end quote Also, U.S. tanks and other heavy firepower is moving into Eastern Europe at this time. (As reported this morning on Cnn as well.

I'm watching Fareed Zacharia who is interviewing "U.S. ambassador Power this morning (Sunday) on his Fareed Zacharia GPS on CNN on June 14th 2015.

Though part of the bluster might be to convince Europe to re-up the Sanctions against Russia, I'm thinking the heavy U.S. Armor is more about protecting both eastern and western Europe from some kind of Russian Blitzkrieg from Ukraine to points towards France and Germany in a few days.

This is because if Putin takes Ukraine what's to stop him from there? IF he does this fast enough like Hitler did, who could really get organized enough fast enough to stop him without nuking Putin's heavy armor?

However, just how macho is Putin at this point? Just how far is he willing to go to expand mother Russia's territories into Europe? I don't think there is a definitive answer at this point.

Part of Putin's calculations might be that "If he doesn't move now, when?" because sanctions are beginning to bite into his country. However, he is more popular than ever in Russia right now because he has managed the news so carefully in Russia in his favor. So, the Russian people might be poised by him and prepared for a war with the western world whether they are fully aware of this or not.

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