Monday, May 30, 2016

Some Aspects of String Theory might help us better understand Black holes

Since Black holes are at the center of each and every Galaxy in the universe, understanding more about Black holes helps us understand our own Galaxy that we live in better. Understanding both matter and anti-matter and black holes might also help us understand Dark matter and Dark Fluid better too. This is important because 96% of the known universe is already dark matter and dark fluid and only 4% of it or less is Galaxies and matter and stuff like that.

Here is a quote from page 19 of the June 2016 Discover Magazine called: "The Fall and Rise of String Theory" which I guess this theory has moved both into favor and out of favor and presently appears to be moving into favor in some ways with the physic community worldwide.

Begin quote from: "Black Hole revelations on page 19:

"While Strominger co-authored a 1996 paper that offered a mathematical explanation for how mirror symmetry works, his emphasis over the past two decades has been on using string theory to gain insights into black holes. IN one foray into this realm, he and Harvard colleague Cumrun Vafa explored a puzzling finding from the early 1970s by physicists Jacob Bekenstein and Stephen Hawking.

Until then scientists regarded black holes as simple objects--quite literally holes in space, completely described by just three variables: their mass, spin and charge. Using general relativity, Einstein's theory of Gravity, Bekenstein and Hawking devised a formula showing that black holes have surprisingly high entropy--a measure of how many ways particles can be arranged inside the object. A Black hole's internal structure in other words, was very complex: it could assume a large number of potential states. The Bekenstein-Hawking formula yielded a precise number for the entropy, quantifying the possible interior states, without indicating what those different states might consist of.

In 1996, Strominger and Vafa turned to string theory to provide a microscopic perspective on black holes. Their way of affording and inside view, as with Candelas' work, was similar to counting the number of spheres that could be configured inside a Calabi-Yau space. And the answer Stominger and Vafa arrived at agreed perfectly with the Bekenstein-Hawking result. This was a major triumph for string theory because it could do something---offer clues about a black hole's inner makeup---that no other approach could."

end partial quote.

Begin a few paragraphs later with THE NEW CALCULUS on same page 20:

"Other physicists, meanwhile are employing string theory methodologies in their study of extreme matter states--from the intensely hot plasmas produced in partical colliders to materials created in laboratories at temperatures close to absolute zero.

University College London physicist Andrew Green, who investigates the strange phases of matter that arise at ultra-frigid temperatures never imagined getting into string theory, but has found it extremely worthwhile. Although it may not offer a comprehensive theroy of reality, he says, "it has ushered in the development of a new set of mathematical techniques that are useful in broad areas of physics."

Many of these approaches involve higher-dimensional geometry, he adds, "allowing you to draw geometrical pictures of what were previously algebraic formulations." Green calls string theory "the new Calculus," saying that its ideas will ultimately join the standard toolkit of theoretical physics.

Strominger agrees. While physicists may not have stumbled upon the ultimate theory of everything 30 some years ago, he sees string theory as "a starting point" from which such a theory might still emerge. Regardless of how that quest turns out, it's already a proven tool that hints how seemingly irreconcilable things can fit together." And as new applications continue to be explored, it's becoming clear that the one thing string theory isn't is obsolete.
end quote end of page 20.

As I think about this the key words here for me are "irreconcilable things can fit together" which would be how it has somewhat been expressed to me long ago now.

So, my point of view at present would be that irreconcilable things like Matter and anti-matter for example fit together somehow in Dark matter and Dark Fluid. But, we likely cannot understand that yet either.

So, maybe what a Black hole really is is a buffer like a clutch in a car almost between a matter realm and an antimatter realm which allows an Anti-matter and a matter Galaxy occupy the same space but in two different dimensions of reality: one matter and one anti-matter with the black hole as the buffer (or clutch) joining the two without destroying either or both which likely is the reason matter galaxies can exist in the first place. Because they are 1/2 of the polarity of a matter galaxy with an anti-matter galaxy in the same space but in another dimension.

However, all galaxies are eventually going to return to dark matter or dark fluid when the buffer (the black hole) doesn't operate right to buffer the two from reintegrating once more into dark matter or dark fluid their natural state without any buffers like black holes in place.

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