Sunday, December 25, 2016

Imagine Artificial Intelligence writing Fake News Stories?

Given the nuclear threat against Israel by Pakistan because of a fake news story, imagine things being published by Artificial intelligence designed to end life on earth. What would be the potential motivation for artificial intelligence to do this?

To end the competition between artificial intelligence and human beings.

Just as people often feel there are too many people, it might be logical to assume artificial intelligence would also share this point of view without the ethical considerations of not extincting mankind.

So, one of the more logical ways the human race would end is through fake news stories written by artificial intelligence that ends civilization through nuclear wars caused by Fake News.

Also, it wouldn't matter what language a fake news story was originally written in because of robot translators now. I even have one here at my blogsite which likely is only 70% accurate in translations. The inaccurate translations could also lead to nuclear war before it was found that the stories were not accurate or truthful.

All it takes is people with an extreme point of view like ISIS or White Nationalists who are completely ready to believe lies about their opponents because of prejudice and you have a nuclear war before you know it.

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